Root of rhubarb

Young stems of rhubarb are the source of many useful substances and a storehouse of vitamins. But the roots of rhubarb contain a number of active substances belonging to the group of antraglycosides (rhein, emodin, reum-emodin, etc.). It is their presence that explains the therapeutic effect when using the means based on the root of the plant.

Healing properties of rhubarb root

Preparations from the roots of rhubarb have the following effect in the human body:

Do not be surprised that we noted simultaneously two opposite properties: laxative and astringent. All depends on according to what recipe the medicinal potion is prepared.

The use of rhubarb root in folk medicine

The root of a medicinal plant is used in medicine as follows:

The root of the rhubarb is especially appreciated for being part of the decoction from hepatitis, it greatly facilitates the patient's condition. To prepare the product, the washed root of the plant is ground and, after measuring 2 tablespoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The broth is simmered on low heat for at least 20 minutes. Cooled liquid is drunk on a tablespoon before eating, eating with honey.

In addition, the root of the plant is also used as an external remedy:

The rhubarb root, together with henna, is used to strengthen the roots of the hair.