Eucalyptus oil - application

Eucalyptus oil contains more than 40 components that effectively help fight diseases and cosmetic problems. Consider in this article how to properly use this product to get the most benefit and efficiency.

Eucalyptus oil: use for cold and flu

During periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases, eucalyptus oil is an indispensable aid in prevention and treatment. Ways of using:

  1. Disinfection of the room. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a container of boiling water, use an aroma lamp or simply drop the product on the heated surface (battery, light bulb). Volatile oil substances will quickly spread in the room and destroy germs.
  2. Inhalation with eucalyptus oil. For this procedure it is recommended to use special inhalers, but not less effectively to inhale eucalyptus pairs. It is necessary to add 3 drops of eucalyptus oil in a glass of boiling water and breathe over it for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Burial in the nose. Eucalyptus oil is a great help for the common cold with colds. It is enough to dig in the nose 1-2 drops of a natural product in the morning and in the evening. Antiseptic action will help stop the multiplication of bacteria and stop the inflammatory processes. Eucalyptus pairs will quickly and permanently empty the nasal passages and facilitate breathing. Eucalyptus oil in genyantritis, among other things, reduces temperature, helps to destroy the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses and fights the virus that caused the disease.
  4. Rubbing. When coughing, eucalyptus oil is used in grinding of the chest and back. It has a warming effect and expectorant properties. Thus, the outflow of accumulated masses from the lungs and bronchi is facilitated.
  5. Bath with eucalyptus oil. In a hot bath you need to add 6-8 drops of oil and lie down in water for 5-7 minutes, breathing in pairs. This will help get rid of fever, clear the airways and soothe the inflammation.

Eucalyptus oil for hair

Especially good is this valuable product from dandruff and dry seborrhea. You need to rub the oil with your fingertips into the roots of the hair and scalp before washing, and the symptoms of the diseases will disappear after 10 days. In addition, the use of eucalyptus oil as an additive in hair care products will help make them thicker and silky, prevent fallout.

Eucalyptus oil for the face

The most pronounced property of eucalyptus oil is to brighten pigment spots. Daily application of the product to problem areas helps quickly get rid of stains after scars, freckles and post-acne.

As you know, eucalyptus oil is effective against acne due to its antiseptic actions. It is best to wipe the skin with a tonic with this oil every day, morning and evening. This will help to eliminate inflammatory elements, prevent the formation of comedones and accelerate the process of skin regeneration.

Another feature of eucalyptus oil is the ability to soothe skin after insect bites, wounds and abrasions. The damage is quickly prolonged, and the regeneration of cells is accelerated. Moreover, even infected wounds are quickly cleaned and healed by the application of eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus oil in pregnancy

You can apply it as follows:

But you should remember that before using, you should consult a gynecologist.