Exercises for straightening posture

Many people have problems with posture, and all because of sedentary work, watching TV in the wrong position, etc. To improve the condition, it is recommended to use a set of exercises for straightening the posture , which is suitable for home use. Training is important to conduct regularly, as the curvature of the spine not only affects the appearance, but also worsen health. The best direction, which allows not only to straighten the back, but also to strengthen the joints, and improve the condition of the muscular corset, is yoga.

Gymnastics for straightening posture

To keep your back smooth and gait beautiful, you need to perform gymnastics, consisting of fairly simple exercises. You can practice every day. Each exercise is recommended to be repeated at least 10 times. The complex begins with a warm-up , which lasts no more than 10 minutes. Suitable for any warm-up exercises, for example, slopes and rotation.

Exercises for straightening the posture at home:

  1. IP - sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you, pulling your socks on yourself. Spin the back, bent in the lower back. The left leg, bending at the knee, put it on the right knee. With your right hand, grasp the left knee. Exhaling, unfold the body to the left, looking back. Do not delay breathing, trying to rotate the body even more on each exhalation. Lock the position for at least 30 seconds. Repeat all and in the other direction.
  2. The next exercise to straighten the posture is very popular, but it is called "Cat". IP - be located on all fours. Place your palms under your shoulders in line with your knees. The task is to round the back as much as possible, with your head and look down. After that, in the back, you need to bend over, and head upwards.
  3. IP - sit on your stomach and direct your arms along the body, without touching the floor. The task - making an exhalation, tear the legs and chest from the floor simultaneously with the head. Straighten your legs, squeezing your buttocks, and head forward. Lock the position for as long as possible. It is important not to hold your breath. Another option involves stretching your arms forward.
  4. To straighten the posture at home, you can perform such a well-known exercise. IP - sit on your stomach, bending your knees, and put your hands behind your back and grasp your ankles. The task - exhaling, try to bend as much as possible in the back, lifting the pelvis and chest from the floor. Head back towards the head. In this state, it is necessary to stay at least 20 seconds. On exhalation, lower your legs and chest, relaxing.