Cramps in the legs at night - causes and treatment

At night, many processes in the body are felt more acutely: pain increases, anxiety worries, etc. Often at night, convulsions occur in the legs, what is the cause of the phenomenon and what are the ways of treatment? Councils of specialists will help to solve this problem.

Causes of nocturnal seizures

The reasons for which reduces the leg cramp at night, a lot. Let's mention the main ones:

Spasms of the leg muscles are also often observed in those who suffer from diseases:

Also, seizures at night are characteristic of people with nicotine addiction and lovers of strong coffee.

For your information! The cause of leg cramps at night can be treated with pills. Most often, this reaction occurs as a result of the use of drugs from the group of diuretics, statins and nicotinic acid.

Treatment of cramps in the legs, arising at night

To eliminate nocturnal spasms, it is necessary to understand the cause that caused their appearance. If this is a one-time phenomenon, you can make a warm foot bath with salt, massage your calves and feet, use a tool that reduces muscle pain, for example, rubbing your legs with Baneocin, Apizatron, Menovazin, etc. The warming-anesthetic effect is created when rubbing feet with vodka or apple cider vinegar.

If there is a shortage in the diet of any components, you need to adjust your diet. For health, it is useful to eat dairy products, eggs, vegetables, porridges every day. It is desirable to use more often nuts, prunes, dried apricots, fresh berries. Doctors are strongly advised to make up vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the autumn and winter season to fill the vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The best solution for eliminating hypocalcemia in pregnant women and age patients, in which the cause of leg cramps at night is calcium and vitamin D deficiency, are Osteomide tablets, Osteomed Forte.

Varicosity should be treated according to the recommendations given by a phlebologist, since the disease is associated with thrombophlebitis, and there is a threat of a thrombus rupture and clogging of the vessel. As therapy, anti-thrombotic ointments and gels are used:

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, such as:

Relieve nervous tension will help sedative phyto-drugs such as tinctures of Valerian root. In other chronic diseases, it is worth informing the treating physician about the problem that has arisen, but basically the therapy is aimed at treating the underlying disease.

To cure convulsions in the legs at night, folk remedies can be used. Well relieve muscle tension and eliminate swelling of the legs of the bath with thyme broth. Excellent help with frequent spasms of grinding mustard oil. To eliminate inflammation and disorders in muscle tissue, you can use the infusion of lime flowers on vodka. The drug is taken orally twice a day by a teaspoonful.

Tip: if you suddenly have a leg, you need to sit on the bed with your feet on the cool surface, and knock your foot against the floor, then stand up straight. In severe seizures, you should pull your toes to yourself or touch your leg delicately.