First lure: vegetable puree

At the age of six months the child no longer has the usefulness of mother's milk, he needs useful vitamins and minerals from other foods. The first lure is a significant event not only for the child, but also for the mother, who often breaks her head, from which vegetables to start lure.

According to experts, as the first complementary food you can use vegetable puree from zucchini, the fiber of which is fully absorbed by the child's body. Broccoli cabbage or cauliflower, which is characterized by low allergenicity, is also suitable for children's organism. Well digested and positively affects digestion pumpkin. All these vegetables are ideal for making vegetable purees for the first complementary foods.

Scheme of complementary foods for vegetables

How to cook vegetables for complementary foods?

  1. Cooking vegetable mashed potatoes can be made from raw or freshly frozen vegetables. Purchased frozen vegetables should be carefully checked for lack of traces of defrosting: usually those vegetables that have been frozen repeatedly lose their shape or stick together. It should be borne in mind that frozen vegetables are cooked 2 times faster than fresh ones.
  2. The purchased potato contains a large amount of nitrates, so it should be soaked for 2 hours before cooking. The greatest amount of "harmful" substances is collected in the core of carrots and cabbage cabbage, so these parts should be removed beforehand.
  3. Cooking is better in enameled dishes: it is well preserved vitamins. The steamer is an ideal tool for cooking vegetables for children, because it preserves all vitamins and trace elements.
  4. For 6-month-old babies, vegetables should be fully cooked, so that when kneading they do not have any lumps. Do not add salt, sugar and vegetable oil in the first vegetable purees.

How correctly to introduce vegetable puree in lure?

If the child does not eat vegetable puree, then it may be postponed for a couple of weeks. Some mummies add a little of their milk or an adapted mixture to the vegetable purée so that the new food is better absorbed and not unfamiliar to the child.