To what does the left arm itch?

A few hundred years ago, signs played an important role in human life. They were used to learn about the weather and other facts of the future. There are a large number of superstitions that are relevant to parts of the body. People's signs describing why the arm is scratched are the most popular, but many are confused in the information concerning the left and right limbs. That is why it is worth exploring this issue in detail. Believe it or not, everyone's business, but interesting information will be for everyone.

To what does the left arm itch?

Our ancestors believed that hands are an important part of the body and their energy is attractive to money. Therefore, itching in the palm of the hand was a harbinger of a significant profit. Money will come completely unexpectedly, perhaps someone will return the old debt or you will receive a bonus. The stronger the itch, the greater the amount. To attract cash flow it is necessary to scratch the palm from the edge to the middle, creating the effect of collecting money. Squeeze your hand into a fist and shove it into your pocket. Many people believe, on the contrary, if the left arm is itching, then there will be problems in the financial sphere. Argumented by the fact that the left side of the person is responsible for the devil. Still in the people it is considered, that it is possible to be scratched the left palm to illness. Do not worry, it will be an easy malaise, for example, a cold. In the near future, you should be more careful and watch your health.

Why does the left arm itch, depending on the localization of the itching:

  1. If discomfort occurs in the fingers, then each of the five has its value. For example, the thumb is a harbinger of luck and luck. If the itching appeared in the area of ​​the index finger is a symbol of power and you can count on success in studies and work. When the middle finger of the left hand is itching, it's about money. If the nameless finger itches is a sign that in the near future it will be possible to get rid of unnecessary attention. Itchy little finger stands for harbingers of troubles. By the way, to avoid them it is recommended to put a golden ring on it and do not remove it until it stops itching.
  2. If the wrist of the left hand itches, it means that someone will try to limit your freedom. Still it can testify that the person at present can not cope with existing negative emotions . In order not to have serious problems, it is recommended to get rid of aggression.
  3. If you scratch your left shoulder - this is a warning that soon there will be a lot of trouble. It is recommended to postpone all serious matters and travel the next day.
  4. If the left elbow is itchy, then serious conflicts with close people will soon arise. For people engaged in business, such a promise promises material problems. Itching in the area of ​​the left elbow for young people means getting a chance to meet your love. If discomfort arose among married people, then in the near future it should be more reserved, since innocent flirting can cause serious problems and even divorce.

There is a sign that the left arm is being itch to be separated from friends or relatives. Perhaps, at the moment the family has arrived, and in the near future they will have to leave. That the road was easy, and everything went well, you can do a little ritual. Go to the window, spread your left hand and blow on it, saying this three times:

"It's time to leave - their road will be easy."

Do not cry at parting, because it will "burden" the road.

If the itching does not pass, then, perhaps, the reason is completely not in the signs, but, most likely, it is a sign of the onset of some disease. The hand can be scratched if it is dirty or the nerve endings have become aggravated.