What do apples have to do with trees?

This fruit is a symbol of not only pleasure, but also temptation, betrayal and deceit. That is why, in order to understand the dreams of apples growing on trees, one should remember all the details of the dream. They will tell you how to correctly interpret the plot, and what changes in life can be expected in the future.

What promises a dream about apples growing on a tree?

All the books on the interpretation of dreams converge on the fact that it is important to remember what fruits were. If the apple was filling, tasty even by sight, and the tree literally sagged under their weight, a person can be sure that in the very near future he expects the arrival of a bright band in life. Luck will accompany him in all endeavors, and the material situation will dramatically improve without any effort on his part. The more fruits on the tree, the longer the run of luck will last.

Green and sour fruits do not promise anything good. If a person sees that the apple tree is literally strewn with them, then sleep warns him and that intrigues are being started around. Sour apple is a symbol of deception and betrayal. Therefore, after such a vision, it is necessary to take measures that will help to protect oneself from ill-wishers and envious persons. If the apples on the tree are not that much, then it is worthwhile looking for the rancor in the closest surrounding.

It is considered a bad sign to collect green or wormy apples from a tree in a dream. This means that a person will fall into an embarrassing situation or become a victim of deception. Parasites inside fruit can also mean disease. If the fruit is juicy, then this vision is the opposite, promises luck and happiness.

What does it mean if you pluck apples from a tree in a dream in a strange garden?

The person who was visited by such a dream should take a more careful look at his own desires. If the fruits from a strange garden beckon him into a dream, and he begins to collect them, this is a sign of envy of someone. You should carefully analyze your own desires and take measures to get rid of negative feelings . Often such dreams are visited by single women who envy the family happiness of their girlfriends.

If you break apples in a dream from a tree, a lonely man starts, then, most likely, the vision hints at him that his secret desire to be fulfilled in the near future. Such dreams often visit people before a career take-off or receive a cash prize. But, sometimes this story means that in the near future, the guy will start dating with the girl he likes.

To dream of ripe apples on a tree and not being able to rip them off, does not bode anything but disappointment. A person should be prepared for the fact that all his dreams and desires will be unrealized. If the fruit was immature, then, on the contrary, this means that you will avoid major trouble.

What does the apple in the dream predict?

A woman who received this fruit as a gift will soon be the main participant in a romantic adventure. If the apple is sweet, then the started love relations will be calm and will bring only joy. But in the case when the fruit turned out to be sour and not tasty, sleep does not bode well, the novel is likely to end in parting, and, quite painful for the girl.

If in a dream, a person receives a worm apple as a gift, he should be afraid of future illness or betrayal. In the case when the donor is familiar, you should carefully consider the relationship with him. It's possible that this friend or girlfriend is just jealous, and maybe they are plotting. In any case, this dream warns a person of danger.