Children born in a leap year - signs

With a leap year, there are many different fears and superstitions, because people have long believed that this time has a special magic. Some signs are associated with the birth of a child in a leap year and, most interestingly, many of them do have confirmation. There is an opinion that such people throughout their life attract only bad, but the most popular was another version, according to which children in this period are born with abilities.

Is it possible to give birth to a child in a leap year?

Since ancient times, people born in this unusual year, revered, and they were rich and famous throughout their lives. It was also believed that they have the ability to communicate with spirits. The characteristics of children born in a leap year, and, consequently, signs, are confirmed by astrologers.

According to the conducted research such people are allocated:

  1. Their leading abilities, so they easily become heads of families, businesses and even states.
  2. Well-developed intuition , which means that parents should listen to the opinion of their child, because he can know more than they do.
  3. If a child is born in a leap year on February 29, then he may have extrasensory abilities. Very often such people can see the aura and predict the events of the future.
  4. A bright mind and talent, but given the dislike of discipline, the kids face different problems.

People born in a leap year, are communicative, but at the same time inherent in their temper, does not allow to find good friends. They could become geniuses, but because of laziness they rarely reach heights. A perfect incentive for them are compliments and various encouragements. Another point worth noting is their sense of humor, which they use to achieve their goals.