Dream Interview - sex and the interpretation of dreams about sex

Dreams can give a person a variety of emotions. Sometimes, without outside help, you can understand the meaning of your dream. And it happens that the dream is difficult to disassemble and then you can not do without a dream book. We suggest to find out what the sex is about.

Why dream of having sex?

Some dream books say that sex in a dream means subconsciously a desire to attract the attention of members of the opposite sex. Although there are other equally interesting interpretations of what it means to have sex in a dream. One of them - a young woman in real life will have to be disappointed in her chosen one. When a man is in the arms of a woman - this can mean welfare. However, success will only wait if in a dream he makes love to a stranger. If in the role of partner was a wife - do not avoid scandals that can result in a divorce.

Intimate closeness in a dream is a reflection of the lack of emotional sensations in real life. If you have had pleasure during sexual intercourse - it means that the real relationship is in harmony . When sex does not bring satisfaction, it is worthwhile to behave cautiously, as various moral and aesthetic dislocations can appear.

Why dream the first sex?

It may seem a little strange to dream a married woman, in which she makes love for the first time in her life. Dreams interpret what they dream about having sex with their beloved for the first time. If in a dream the pleasure from intimacy is obtained by both partners, then in real life the relationship will be harmony. When lovemaking does not bring pleasure, it should alert, because one's actions can create moral and ethical problems. Watching the sexual act from the side is a sign that with the current attitude to life it will be difficult to build a happy family.

Why dream of sex with her husband?

Sometimes women are interested in what it means to have sex with a husband in a dream. Such dreams are a sign of well-being and tranquility. The seen says that the woman feels protected and in complete safety. When the sexual intercourse with the husband in a dream is not very pleasant, it will mean anxiety and anxiety in marital relations. Such dreams are advised to pay attention to problems in family relations.

Many experts claim that the dream book sex is viewed as a difficult psychological subtext, which symbolizes the relationship between the spouses. When intimate intimacy is aggressive, painful and unpleasant - this means that in real life a woman does not understand and may even suffer from humiliation on the part of the spouse. If the sex occurred at the initiative of the wife, it symbolizes that the woman wants to see a strong hand at home, and she is tired of being the main one in the family.

Why dream of having sex with a friend?

After certain dreams there are many questions and a desire to decipher what you saw. One of these exciting questions is what does sex with a man dream about if he is a friend. Such a dream can mean a spiritual intimacy with a person. In addition, it can still mean a woman's desire to become mentally closer to each other. If in a dream it was anal sex - a woman is not very sure of the location of a friend. Seeing an oral sex act means unlimited trust in a man. Traditional sex personifies the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of another.

If you dreamed of sexual intercourse with a deceased friend, you need to interpret what you saw differently. In the dream book, sex means the onset of a difficult period for a person. So, they can remind themselves of past grievances about themselves, to which new ones will be added. If in a dream while making love, there was a feeling of awkwardness - it would mean that someone close will reveal the secret and make you worry.

Why dream of having sex with an ex?

Every woman reacts differently, if she suddenly had sex with an ex-girlfriend. The sight can mean the emergence of something unplanned. It can also personify what the subconscious level of a woman compares the former and present men. If the rupture of relations occurred on the initiative of a woman, this means a doubt in the correctness of the decision. In addition, it sometimes symbolizes some unresolved business between you, a lack of understanding of the reasons for parting.

Making love with a former lover is sometimes a sign that, perhaps in the future, you will have to pay for certain misdemeanors that are not connected with this person. Sometimes such a dream warns about the threat of a relationship that may end. Sexual intercourse with an ex-spouse can mean a conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction, secret sexual desires.

Why dream of sex with his father?

Girls and women often want to know as soon as possible what sex dreams about with their father. Psychologists say that such a dream is an allegory, a symbol, a metaphor and does not mean a real desire to have affinity with the native person. Such a dream shows the woman's need to have a warm, trusting relationship, fatherly love, his participation in life. This is very important for every girl and woman. Interaction with the father can give the girl a feeling of her own femininity , attractiveness, confidence in her beauty.

Why dream of sex with a stranger?

If a woman had sex with a stranger, this should be interpreted on the basis of a specific life situation. For this reason, we should remember everything that could ultimately cause such a dream. One of the interpretations may symbolize the desire to speak with a partner about which nothing is known yet. A man in a dream can be his symbolic representation. The next possible interpretation is that a woman enters the unknown zone and can not imagine what she expects in the coming days and is not able to make the necessary calculations.

Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex are interested in what it means if they have sex with a man. When a man sees a dream like this, it can embody his subconscious desire to have a homosexual relationship. Sex with a stranger in a dream will mean an important unexpected news. If a woman sees a sexual intercourse with a woman in a dream, then this can personify her desire to have a close relationship with a representative of her gender. When a man is a sexual partner, it symbolizes important changes in destiny.

Why dream of sex with the boss?

After some dreams, there may be a feeling of awkwardness and even shame. Especially if you have sex in a dream with your boss. If the former leader had a dream, the motto should be the word "compromise". So, you should avoid any impulsive actions, aggressive behavior and quarrels. In the event that you run into criticism, it is important to treat it calmly. Sexual intercourse with the head in a dream will mean the need to demand respect for oneself . When a woman wants a promotion, she will achieve it, but after hard work and advice from a wise person.

Why dream of sex with a deceased person?

Many people ask why they have sex with a deceased person. Such a dream can symbolize longing for a person who is not in this world, a desire to communicate with him. If there was a blood relative in the dream, such a dream would mean nostalgia for the past. When a dream occurs in a dream with a friend, such a dream will personify the person's desire to know what death is, what the meaning of life itself is and what happens to a person after his death. In addition, the dream book deciphers the impossibility of having children.

What does group sex dream about?

It is believed that a dream about sex with several sexual partners is not so common as making love for two people. If a regular partner, husband or wife, participates in the sexual intercourse, this may mean a desire to show the partner the need to make the sex life more diverse. In this case, a person wants to find new ways out of his own sexuality. In a dream, consciousness shows such exits. When dreaming like a dream, you need to talk with your sexual partner and find acceptable for both diversity in sex.

When the sexual orgies are dreaming, where all people are strangers, that is, it does not involve a loved one, it can be a disturbing signal, meaning that your relationship does not satisfy appetites. However, the meanings of such a dream, depending on what is happening, may be different. This can be a visual realization of real erotic desires.

Why dream anal sex?

Dreamers say that it means sex in a dream, not only traditional, but also other species. Anal intercourse can be varied. To be as accurate as possible, it is important to pay attention to the details - whether sex is pleasant or whether it is violent. In addition, the emotional emphasis will be important. To see this type of sexual intercourse in a dream will mean a dominant shade, the superiority of one person over another. If such sex is pleasant to both partners, it personifies success in business, development of relations, opening of new prospects. Sex does not like the partner - success.

Why have oral sex?

Many dream books claim that to see in a dream is not traditional sex, but oral for a woman will symbolize verbal communication. What is seen is that often silence is really equivalent to the most precious metal - gold. For this reason, one does not need to express one's own thoughts aloud, because they can become the property of others, which will damage the reputation.

If a man saw this, the dream interprets sex as the personification of conflict with the female sex. This can manifest itself in the desire of a representative of the stronger sex to always talk a lot and be understood by his woman, who is silent and obediently listens. This position can cause a lot of conflicts, because by their nature, the fair sex likes to talk and be heard.