What does the pool dream about?

Almost every night a person dreams. They can be completely different, sometimes not even real. With the correct interpretation of the pictures you see, you can learn a lot of information about the future and the present, which will help you prepare for some events.

What does the pool dream about?

In a dream, you fill the pool, then in real life you will be able to make money literally from nothing. If you pour out the water, then in the near future good luck will flow away from you. In a dream you jump from a springboard - this is a symbol of that in real life you will have to make an important decision that will affect life as a whole. When you come into contact with water, you feel pain, then you do not want to take responsibility, because you are not sure of your abilities. By the way, this is the reason for many existing problems.

If you dream about a pool with clean water, it is a symbol that in the near future your wish will come true. Drowning in the pool - then after achieving the desired one should wait for difficulties. Frozen water is a sign of serious problems with which you must cope without anyone's help. When you dream about a pool with dirty water, in ordinary life you can get very sick.

Why dream of swimming in the pool?

If a young girl sees such a dream, most likely, in the near future her behavior and self-esteem will be appreciated and appreciated by others. This will help to take a higher position in society and make new friends. Such a dream can give a strong feeling to another person, but the obsession will pass after intimacy. The dream in which you are floating may foreshadow a sudden monetary gain.

Another interpretation of this dream - in the near future you will meet with an old acquaintance, who once liked you. You get real pleasure from swimming, in ordinary life you are mired in a routine. If the process you do not like, then sleep promises parting with a close friend. The swimming pool in which you swim, new and beautiful is a symbol of improving your financial situation and good health.

In a dream, you see how one of your relatives or friends is swimming in the pool, in reality there will be events that will dramatically change life and character. Changes will concern all spheres.

Why is an empty pool dreaming?

Dream symbolizes the existence of emptiness in life, which can be caused by the recent parting with a loved one. It is recommended to take a break, find a hobby that will bring pleasure.