Can I wash down the food?

The question of whether it is possible to wash down food has long been controversial. Some argued that in no case can you eat food without washing down, as this complicates digestion. Others talked about the fact that water after taking food strongly "dilutes" gastric juice, reducing its concentration, and thereby worsening digestion. Where is the truth?

Is it harmful to wash down food with water?

As it often happens in dietetics, the truth is somewhere in the middle. If you are a person with a healthy secretion of gastric juice, a glass of water or any other drink taken during and after a meal will not be harmful to you. However, if you have stomach problems, this can aggravate the problem.

However, it is important to know the measure. Indeed, a liter of water drunk after a meal is unlikely to benefit you. If you plan to eat something very salty, after which you will obviously be thirsty, you can go for a little trick: drink 2-3 glasses of water (can be acidified lime or lemon slice) before eating. You will be surprised, but after that you can eat anything, and thirst will not be as strong as usual after eating salty foods!

To wash down food or not?

Everyone can decide this question for themselves. If you are used to drinking a glass of a drink at lunch and a little after it, and while your body reacts well to it - then this is the optimal drinking regime for you. Although in many respects this is a matter of habit.

Arguing over the question of whether it is possible to wash down food with water, it is worth remembering the observance of the drinking regime in general. Take the rule of drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day - before breakfast, in between meals. As a rule, people who do this, almost do not need a glass of drink after a usual lunch or dinner .