Abdominal cramps - causes

Spasms in the abdomen are pains that are felt as a spastic stress. Behind the peritoneal wall there are many organs that can cause such sensations. Do not worry if there are abdominal cramps - the reasons for this phenomenon are not always associated with serious diseases of the body systems. But if the pains are frequent and very strong, you can not do without medication.

Spasms in the abdomen with flatulence or after overeating

Muscles of the stomach and intestines are constantly in motion. This is necessary to create the optimal digestion of food. Basically, the reasons for the cramping of the abdominal muscles are the conditions under which the musculature of the digestive organs is strongly compressed, not completely relaxed or unpleasantly pulled together. For example, this often happens as a result of overeating or when gas is strong. In such cases, except for pain, it is also noted:

Usually all these sensations pass independently for several hours.

Spasms in the abdomen in diseases of the digestive tract

Causes of muscle spasms in the abdomen may be duodenal or stomach disease. With gastritis and gastroduodenitis, pains are severe, acute, or aching. They are localized mainly in the upper part of the abdomen and significantly worse after eating.

Spasmodic pain also occurs with intestinal colic. Most often they are sudden, strong, sharp and appear after consumption of foods that are rich in fiber.

Spasms in the abdomen with gynecological diseases

Most women experience monthly muscular pains during menstruation. This is a natural phenomenon. It occurs because of a change in the hormonal background, in which the muscles of the uterus contract because of the increased level of prostaglandins. But sometimes the causes of the appearance of spasms in the lower abdomen can be diseases of the internal genital organs. It can be:

The pain often gives in the lower back or the genital area and a woman can have a prolonged temperature increase.

Cramps in diseases of the liver and gall bladder

Among the common causes of severe spasms in the upper abdomen are diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Especially often they occur with cholecystitis, since with this disease the walls of the gallbladder are very sensitive. Painful sensations become almost unbearable when pressed and they are accompanied by nausea. In the mouth, the patient may have a bitter taste.

The cause of the appearance of cramps in the stomach after eating is biliary colic. When the outflow of bile is disturbed, they become paroxysmal and usually appear only in the right hypochondrium. There are unpleasant feelings suddenly or after a meal. They can also be triggered by stress or physical stress. In most cases, spasms go through 2-6 hours. If you do not start treatment, after a while the attack can repeat.

Spasms with renal colic

Due to a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney, renal colic occurs. It appears, as the pressure inside the kidney increases and the capsule, in which there is a large number of pain receptors, is strongly stretched. In renal colic, spasms are strongly pronounced, localized in the side only on one side and placed in the lower abdomen. In addition to spasmodic pain, in the abdomen with renal colic occurs:

Quite often such manifestations of renal colic are confused with the symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction. Therefore, when they appear, the patient should be immediately hospitalized to establish an accurate diagnosis.