Mycosis is a fairly common infectious disease. They are caused by parasitic fungi, the spores of which penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue through microtraumas upon contact with contaminated things (most often hygiene items). Depending on the type of fungus mycosis affects certain areas of the body.
Fungal diseases of nails
Mycoses of the nail plate are classified into four characteristic types.
- Distal subungual onychomycosis is the most common type. Fungi penetrate into the distal portion of the nail bed, and the nail plate acquires an atypical yellow color. Gradually, a dense layer forms between the skin and the nail plate.
- White superficial onychomycosis - the fungus penetrates into the nail plate, which, with the course of the disease, becomes covered with a white coating.
- The proximal subungual onychomycosis - fungus settles in the cuticle of the posterior nail roller, then penetrates into the underlying matrix and affects the nail plate from below. Outside, the nail remains untouched, but under it there is a white thickening, which eventually separates the nail plate from the roller.
- Candidiasis onychomycosis is a fairly rare disease in which the fungus affects all the fingers at once. The nails become yellow-brown and thicken.
Fungal diseases of scalp
Mycosis of the scalp is caused by four types of microorganisms.
- Surface trichophytosis - transmitted through contact with an infected person. On the scalp there is peeling and reddening with indistinct boundaries, the hair breaks off at different levels, and in the place where the hair fell, a black dot is visible.
- Microsporia is an extremely contagious disease that is transmitted from infected pets. At the initial stage, the symptoms are mild, possibly reddening of the scalp with the formation of small bubbles. Over time, the focus is clearly formed (as a rule, two foci isolated from each other are observed). Hair on the affected areas are broken off and easily pulled.
- Favus is a chronic mycosis, to which people are exposed, all wearing a headdress. There is a persistent loss of hair and cicatricial atrophy. Formations differ in a yellow-yellow coloration.
- Deep trichophytosis - transmitted from sick animals. There is a loss of hair, in the place of which dense, swollen tubercles are formed of red or cyanotic color with clear boundaries (reaching up to 8 cm in diameter).
Fungal diseases of genital organs
Fungal diseases of the genital area in women are usually called candidiasis (thrush). The causative agent Candida albicans refers to the conditionally pathogenic human flora. This yeast-like fungus lives in the body, but under the influence of certain factors, its population may increase, which leads to thrush. Most often the fungus begins to attack the body:
- after taking antibiotics;
- with uncontrolled diabetes;
- at a hormonal failure (pregnancy, a corticosteroid therapy, reception of oral contraceptives).
Thrush is accompanied by white discharge from the vagina, similar to cottage cheese, as well as burning and itching.
Fungal disease of the ears
Otomycosis is a disease in which a fungus affects the auricle, auditory canal and eardrum. Otomycosis is accompanied by liquid discharge from the ear, the formation of crusts and plugs in the ear canal, itching, pain and obstruction of the ear, with hearing practically not deteriorating.
Treatment and prevention of fungal diseases
Mycosis can not be cured without consulting a specialist, and it does not go away - on the contrary, the fungus population grows. These microorganisms produce dangerous toxins, in addition, the fungus can reach up to the internal organs. Therefore it is extremely important at the first symptoms of a fungal infection to address
To protect yourself from fungal infections, you should follow simple rules:
- do not use other people's hygiene items;
- beware of stray animals;
- Use sterile instruments for pedicure and manicure;
- to struggle with excessive sweating;
- strengthen immunity;
- Do not walk barefoot in public places (hotels, baths, showers).