Black discharge after menstruation

This phenomenon, like black discharge after menstruation, is often the reason for a woman's treatment of a gynecologist. The reasons for their appearance can be many. Let's try to understand this situation and will dwell in detail on what violations it is possible for them to appear.

Why do black marks appear in women after menstruation?

It is worth noting that this kind of discharge can occur at the end of menstruation, 1-2 days before their termination. At the same time their color is dark brown, in some cases, women say that it is black. This is not regarded by doctors as a violation.

When the black discharge is observed within a week after the end of the period, in such cases it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, this phenomenon is a symptom of a gynecological disorder.

For example, black spotting can be with ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, a woman does not suspect anything of her interesting situation. The disease is confirmed only by diagnostic ultrasound, after which a woman is prescribed a purge. Allocations after monthly dark brown, almost black, can be noted and with such diseases as endometriosis, endometritis, endocervicitis, uterine hyperplasia, myoma. In order to accurately establish the cause, it is necessary to conduct a multistage study.

In what cases is the dark discharge not a sign of the disease?

In the search for an answer to the question of why a woman has black discharge after menstruation, a doctor can diagnose anatomical abnormalities that lead to the development of such a situation.

In particular, with an abnormal form of the uterus itself ( bicorneous, saddle-shaped ), there is a certain stagnation of menstrual blood. As a result of this, after almost every menses the girl notes in a few days the appearance of black or dark brown discharge. This is due to the fact that the remaining menstrual blood in the uterine cavity changes its color due to the effect of temperature on it. In such cases, a woman can also notice the appearance of small blood clots from the vagina.

Thus, it must be said that the causes of black discharge from the vagina after the menstrual period can be many, and in most cases this symptom indicates the presence of the disease in the reproductive system.