Laparoscopy of the ovaries

Laparoscopy of the ovaries is one of those procedures that is constantly on hearing. Many see it as their salvation, the opportunity to solve many "female" problems. It is important to know that under laparoscopic intervention it is customary to understand a minimally invasive surgical procedure, thanks to which doctors have the opportunity to diagnose certain diseases and even in some cases to eliminate their cause. The main advantage of this operation is low traumaticity, since only two devices are inserted through the microsections in the patient's stomach, allowing to carry out both diagnostics and treatment.

In some cases, laparoscopic intervention can be carried out urgently, when the life and health of a woman is threatened. Nevertheless, most often the main female organ is surveyed on a scheduled basis. Indications for this can be:

Laparoscopy in multifollicular ovaries is the last resort to solving the problem of the multiplicity of follicles. It is used only when hormone therapy is useless, or there is no possibility of conception due to the lack of normal ovulation.

Preparing for ovarian laparoscopy

The operation involves conducting preparatory activities, which include:

In addition, the patient will be asked not to eat or drink at least 12 hours before surgery so that during or after the procedure, there is no vomiting. Immediately before entering the operating room you need to remove all jewelry, glasses, contact lenses, dentures. The day before the procedure, bowel cleansing with laxatives can be prescribed, but directly on the day of "X" it can be done with an enema.

Laparoscopy of ovaries and pregnancy

If by this intervention the problem of impossibility of conception is solved, then pregnancy after laparoscopy of the ovaries occurs in most cases. As a rule, it is possible to decide on attempts at conception in the next cycle, although in some cases the doctor may recommend refraining from this until a complete recovery occurs. However, if laparoscopy was performed to remove the ovary, then the probability of conception is certainly reduced.

Ovarian recovery after laparoscopy

The rehabilitation period does not last long. Usually it proceeds easily and without complications. Major female paired organs recover very quickly. Monthly after laparoscopy of the ovaries come back to normal within a month after the operation, depending on the cycle of the woman. Ovulation after laparoscopy of the ovaries is possible after 10-14 days, so if pregnancy is not indicated, then you should choose this or that method of contraception.

Delay of menstruation after laparoscopy of the ovaries happens infrequently. The delay period can vary from a few days to several weeks, which should not cause excitement. Much more likely to occur intermenstrual bleeding or bleeding, similar to meager menstrual, about 7-15 days after the intervention. Strong secretions should be the reason for going to the doctor.