Canadian roses

For those wishing to grow roses in unfavorable conditions, winter-resistant Canadian roses have been removed, while retaining their decorativeness. Due to the fact that they differ from other varieties of roses with high resistance to common diseases, frost resistance and unpretentiousness, they are often used to decorate parks. To get roses of bright saturated color twice a year, you should know certain rules of care for a rose of Canadian selection.

In this article, we will examine the most popular varieties of the Canadian park rose, how to plant it and take care of it.

Planting and caring for a Canadian rose

For successful cultivation, it is necessary to purchase a grafted seedling, and then necessarily prepare a place for planting. You can plant in the sun and in the penumbra on any soil, the rose will grow equally. To do this, you need to dig a planting pit 70x70x70 cm in size and add fertilizers (humus, wood ash, peat, compost , and complex fertilizer, taken in equal parts). When planting it is recommended to insulate the rose for 5-10 cm. To make a young bush form a fairly powerful root system, it is necessary to protect it in the first year of life, especially in winter. For a successful first wintering, it is necessary to make a hill around the base with a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and sand.

Further, the Canadian rose requires minimal care:

  1. After winter, it is necessary to prune the broken branches.
  2. In summer, at a high temperature, water, although these roses grow well in drought.
  3. Top dressing seasonally: nitrogen - in spring, phosphorus and potassium - in the summer. This contributes to a more lush bloom, but not necessarily.
  4. When preparing for wintering, branches that have spines are cut out.
  5. Reproduction is carried out very easily by propagation.
  6. Most varieties do not need pruning for the ornamentation of the bush.

Grades of the Canadian rose

Roses of Canadian breeding are divided into two groups:

In Canada, a new group of roses is being developed - the Canadian Artist, which has a very high frost resistance (up to -45 ° C).

Having planted Canadian winter-hardy roses in your flower garden you will not regret, as they are beautiful both in the flowering period and the fruits left on the faded branches.