Moscow method of growing seedlings

In the absence of space on the windowsills, you can try your hand at the so-called Moscow method of growing seedlings. It is also called the method of self-rolling, because the seeds are then sown in paper rolls.

How to grow seedlings in Moscow?

This way you can grow almost any crops - and tomatoes, and eggplants, and pepper , and onions, and cucumbers, and even cabbage. In this case, your seedlings will not get sick with a "black leg", since they do not touch the ground completely.

So, what is the Moscow method of growing seedlings? For him, we need ordinary polyethylene film, toilet paper, plastic cups and, in fact, seeds.

We prepare the film: cut it into strips 10 cm wide and 40-50 cm long. On the finished strips we spread the paper in one layer. It needs a little moistening, but so that it does not blur it. It is most convenient to use a spray gun.

Seeds lay out with forceps at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. From the edge we retreat about a centimeter and a half. On top, cover another layer of toilet paper and polyethylene.

The resulting multilayer strip is carefully wound into a roll, trying not to move the layers between them. We fix it with a regular paper band or a piece of wire. We put a label with the name of the variety, so as not to forget that we are growing.

Each roll is put in a separate plastic cup, pour into it 4 cm of water. Then cover it with a bag or just put it inside a plastic bag, taking care of the holes for ventilation.

After emergence of sprouts

As soon as you notice the emergence of seedlings, start feeding them with mineral fertilizer. At the same time, the concentration of the solution is half that of conventional fertilizing. Excellent humic fertilizer especially for seedlings.

Make sure that the cups always have the same water level, add it as needed. The second fertilizing is carried out at the moment when the first real leaf begins to grow.

Seedling of seedlings

When our seedlings grow up, we can start diving them. To do this, roll the rolls, remove the first layer of the film, divide the roll into separate pieces, cutting between the seedlings. Try not to damage them. Those plants that are not yet ready, put back into the glass.

Plant the seedlings right along with the paper in cassettes or pots. We grow the seedlings as usual, watering and feeding, until the time comes to land in the open ground.