Seedlings of pepper at home

The process of growing pepper seedlings has a number of features, so for success, you just need to know how to grow pepper seedlings. Any mistakes, whether it is wrong watering, sudden temperature fluctuations or unsuccessful transplantation, negatively affect the yield of the plant.

Growing sprouts of sweet Bulgarian pepper

The planting time for pepper seeds for seedlings falls on the period from February 20 to March 10. Before planting, you need to carefully inspect the seeds, removing all weak and damaged specimens. The remaining seed material should be treated against fungal infections, for this they are soaked in a solution of the fungicide (Vitalas, Maxim, Fundazol, etc.), first placing them in a gauze pouch.

Then the seeds are thoroughly washed and unfolded between two layers of damp cloth and are taken to a warm room (+ 25 ° C) for 1-2 weeks. After this time, the seeds will begin to "peck". It is extremely important not to miss this moment, as the rootlets of the peppers are very fragile and do not tolerate even the slightest damage.

Soil preparation for future seedlings

This process must begin at the stage of seed germination in the tissue. As an option - you can use the prepared soil mixture for pepper, adding to it washed sand in a proportion of 1: 6.

Not lazy and more experienced gardeners prefer to independently prepare the soil. For this they take 2 parts of humus or well-rotted compost, 2 parts of peat, 1 part of washed sand. This mixture must be well sifted and steamed for 1 hour in a steamer to protect the shoots from fungal diseases and weeds .

Seeding of pepper seeds

Wash dishes for seedlings in a solution of potassium permanganate, fill it with a prepared soil mixture, compact it until the edge of the pot is raised 2 cm above the ground.

Now gently use tweezers to spread out the seeds that have been seeded, making a distance of 1.5-2 cm between them. Top with soil and soften a little. Take care that during the watering the seeds are not washed out to the surface. Build a little boy or put your crops in a pack. Keep the temperature at + 25 ° C.

Seedlings of pepper in the home - care

The first shoots will appear after a week. From this moment it is necessary to lower the temperature to + 15-17 ° C and put the seedlings in a bright place.

To reduce the risk of root rot, seedlings are dived at the stage of the appearance of 2 true leaves with a slight penetration, about half a centimeter. Appear real leaves 3-4 weeks after emergence. There comes the most suitable time for picks. In advance, soak the soil in the pot, wait for the excess water to drain into the pan, dive the seedlings into small pots - there the roots will soon master the com and the land will not turn sour.

Seedlings take picks at the ears. The well in the pot should be sufficient for the free placement of the root system. Sprinkle it with soil and slightly compact. We water the seedling, and if the earth afterwards strongly sags, you can pour a little more.

We put seedlings on the windowsill, protecting it from direct sunlight. We fertilize twice with liquid fertilizers: at the end of the second week after picking and even after two weeks.

For a couple of weeks before planting the seedlings in the open ground, we begin to temper the plants, exposing them to fresh air. First time protect the seedlings from direct sun and drafts.

How to transplant pepper seedlings?

When the first buds appear on the seedlings, it can be planted in the ground. At the same time, the average daily temperature on the street should be set at a mark not lower than + 15-17 ° C.

Remember that pepper does not tolerate a heavy and cold ground, so it is better to pre-make peat and humus on the beds, shovel everything to the depth of the spade bayonet and level it.

Prepare the holes, fill them with 1 st.lozhke mineral fertilizer. Gently remove the seedlings from the pots, without disturbing the earthen lump, insert into the holes, fill with earth, pour abundantly, cover the planting site with peat. Observing all these conditions, you can count on a good harvest.