How to keep a diary?

Most people in the modern world regularly face a lack of time. This leads to a lot of problems - from obstruction at work to chronic fatigue , depression and depression. However, there is a simple and time-tested way to streamline your business and manage much more - use an organizer, a scheduler or a calendar.

Why do I need a diary?

The diary, or, as it is sometimes called in conversations, "scleroscope", is an indispensable thing for a business person. Sometimes it is very difficult to keep in your head all the small things that have to be done for a day or a week. If they are fixed on paper - it will be much easier to remember them. Many business people prefer to use the electronic form of the diary . However, it is worth remembering that by recording information by hand, you activate several types of memory at once, which allows you to safely hold all important business in your head.

This approach not only makes it possible to be more effective, but also gives you the opportunity to be more aware of how you spend your time.

What should be the diary?

A classic diary is a compact, quality-bound book that is easy to carry around. The sections of the diary, as a rule, represent a calendar with a place under the record - on each page there is a date and the day of the week is indicated, and the sheet itself is delineated by lines numbered by time.

Such a classical scheme is very convenient. Before filling out the diary, it remains only to decide on what date and time to record this or that event.

How to arrange a diary?

You can make out your diary differently. If you have a free schedule and you do not like strict limits, you can abandon the classical scheme of linking the case to a specific time, and simply make a list of cases for the day, gradually deleting those that have been successfully completed. In addition, for each case you can allocate approximate time (for example, "visiting a cosmetologist - 1.5 hours", etc.), this will allow you to roughly predict how much time will remain for other matters.

In the diary, you need to note all the cases: meetings, work assignments, self-care activities or a house, all sorts of small things, especially those that you often forget. This approach to life will allow not only to use your time more rationally, but also to manage much more things in one day than in the past.

How to keep a diary?

In order for the records to be useful and informative, it is worth considering the question of how to use the diary. First of all, it is necessary to rely on simple rules:

  1. If you do not know what to write in the diary, first mark the hours you spend at work and on the road. This will allow you to distinguish between working time and free time.
  2. What can I write in the diary? Absolutely any case that you absolutely need to fulfill. Do not overload days: distribute affairs evenly, leave some time for rest.
  3. You can plan and rest: by agreeing to meet with a friend, mark it in the diary. So you will know that for this time nothing can be planned.
  4. The diary will be useful only if it is always with you and is updated regularly with up-to-date information. So choose a format that does not hurt in any of your bags, and never post it.
  5. Before you record in the diary, it is worth remembering all the planned home and work cases and adding them to the book. Each completed case can be marked with a tick or marked with a marker.

In how to keep a diary, there are no difficulties. The main thing is to get used to it, constantly using it for a couple of weeks, and then it will be obtained from you automatically.