The essence of money

Money has always played an important role in the life of every person, and their essence in the trade turnover of the whole world influences the economic development of all countries.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to understand in more detail the origin of money, their essence and types.

The origin and essence of money

From the point of view of the evolutionary theory of money origin, they arose as a consequence of the developed commodity exchange, and also of production. In the early stages of such development, to exchange goods, a person did not need any bills. Acted, so-called, barter, that is, you sell the goods and at the same time buy another. In other words, the chain of sale was built.

Thus, the process of commodity production underwent changes, and was perfected already for 2 thousand years BC. some monetary equivalents arose. True, every people was the last to perform either salt, or cattle, seashells, etc. So, in Russia squirrel skins were highly valued, in Germany - cattle, and in Mongolia - tea.

After a while, the metal was fixed, let's say, the title of a reliable cash equivalent, and therefore gold and silver came to replace copper and iron. Up to 19 art. many countries used coins of two kinds. But already in the 19th century, European countries preferred gold.

If we talk not only about the essence of money, as an international market language of the whole world, but also about the origin of paper bills, they were the first to appear in China in 812. In Europe, there were in the 17th century.

Essence and types of money

Essentially, money is the most active economic element, which is the connecting thread between production and market participants.

  1. Commodity money . This is perhaps the very first economic commodity, acting as a sold unit, and bought. In the modern world, they are popular in countries with high inflation.
  2. Cash . Under them one should understand both banknotes and coins transferred from hand to hand.
  3. Symbolic . This is what you used to pay for your purchases. The only difference between such money is that their value exceeds the costs of production.
  4. Legal payment . A person resorts to this monetary form in the event of payment of debts.
  5. Bank deposit . Everybody knows that these are the funds that you put into bank storage.
  6. Electronic wallets . They are also called "smart cards". They consist of a microprocessor, on which there is information about your electronic money.
  7. Non-cash money . These include accounts in commercial and state banks.
  8. Networking . Such money, almost, can not be forged, stolen. They are an electronic chip, through which your money is transferred through electronic networks.

Essence and properties of money

First, it is worth noting that they are performing a means of buying and selling various goods, services, etc. In this case, money is some intermediaries.

They act as a means of accumulation, which is your asset. Thanks to this property, you can save, earned by hard work, wealth. If you wish, you can use them as a means of payment.

World money manifests its qualities in the process of servicing the labor force, commodity promotion, capital , etc. It will not be superfluous to point out that they are the currency currencies of the world's leading countries (the dollar), as well as those that arose from a collective transaction (the euro).

As a means of payment, money manifests itself in the payment of salaries, the sale of goods through the provision of credit, payment of taxes, while their need and essence in this case inspired the emergence of bills of exchange, bank notes, which are nothing more than credit money.