Remedy for domestic red ants

Domestic red ants live in large families. They are also called pharaoh ants and the appearance of such guests in the house should be categorically suppressed, as they are the bearers of garbage, bacteria and infections.

These ants are quite prolific and new colonies can spread throughout the apartment, penetrate into adjacent rooms, into all cracks and holes. Red ants are incredibly greedy and omnivorous. Their nests hide very deeply and reliably.

How to destroy red ants?

Domestic red ants are difficult to destroy. However, if you have patience, then it is possible to solve this problem. Consider different methods of fighting ants.

You can use folk remedies against red ants. So, for example, if you collect water in a jar, add sugar or honey, they will crawl into it, sink.

The smell of sunflower oil or garlic is what the red ants are afraid of. Therefore, if you try to lubricate their roads with oil, elderberry leaves, wormwood or wild mint, then it will also scare off the ants.

The most effective means against red ants is the preparation of baits. The essence of it is that ants usually transfer feed from mouth to mouth along a long line of relatives. The bait is based on borax or boric acid, which can destroy the chitinous shell of the ant.

Also in the shops are sold a variety of effective types of poison for red ants. This list includes: Combat, Raptor, Dohloks, Regent, and others. All of them are basically poisonous substances that infect one ant, and he will already pass it along the chain to all of his relatives.

If it seems to you that you completely got rid of house ants , then it's best to continue to spread the used remedy from domestic red ants for some time. This should be done so that from the eggs laid by the female again hatched ants could not fill your apartment.

And if suddenly after a long time these uninvited guests reappear in your house, then thanks to our advice, you now know how to etch out the red ants and will not experience any difficulties in this matter.