Cognac from moonshine - the best ways of making alcohol at home

A noble drink cognac implies that grape alcohol will be based, but experienced manufacturers of home-made alcohol have come up with a slightly different approach. They know what components to take to make cognac from moonshine with minimal expenses.

How to make cognac from moonshine?

To make cognac at home, you do not need to adhere to the classic cooking technology, where you have to do double distillation and maintain a drink for at least 3 years in oak barrels. For its preparation it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  1. Moonshine must first be cleaned by one of the methods, for example, coal or double distillation with dilution to obtain a strength of 18-20 degrees.
  2. To the moonshine you need to add additional components: walnut partitions, black tea, carnation buds.
  3. To maintain a drink for more than a week does not make sense, it will not improve your taste.
  4. Cognac from moonshine should be bottled and sealed. It has a shelf life of 3 years, its strength is 36-38%.

Cognac in an oak barrel at home

Maximum corresponds to the traditions of preparation of this alcoholic drink recipe, which makes cognac in a barrel at home. It will convey the original fragrance of oak chips, which corresponds to natural taste. The undoubted advantage of cooking at home is that the exposure is carried out much faster.



  1. Put the moonshine in an oak barrel.
  2. Chop the chips, boil in water with soda for 20 minutes. Repeat the process in clean water. Dry the shavings at room temperature, and then in the oven at 150 degrees, place it in a barrel.
  3. Drink to insist for 2 days, filter from chips. Soak it in a barrel for about 20 days in a cool dark place.

Cognac from moonshine with nutmeg

The homemade cognac from the moonshine possesses an exquisite and noble taste, which is one of the variations of the tincture in Latgalian style. Its peculiarity is the addition of nutmeg, which imparts an indescribable aftertaste. The drink gets dark due to the bark of oak, especially if you insist on it in a barrel.



  1. Pre-soak the bark of oak in boiling water for 10 minutes, and then dry it.
  2. Sugar dissolve, make syrup.
  3. All components put in a jar, pour in moonshine and add syrup, put in a dark place.
  4. Cognac from the moonshine to insist about 2 weeks.
  5. Filter the drink in bottles and store for no more than six months.

Latgale cognac from moonshine

The classic way of cooking is cognac made of moonshine on oak bark, known as Latgalian. If you follow the traditions, the distillate must have a strength of 25-40%. The undoubted advantage of the recipe is that it is not necessary to use a barrel, it is allowed to cook using a can.



  1. Purified moonshine combine with sugar.
  2. Soak the bark of oak in boiling water for 10 minutes, and then dry it.
  3. Add the bark and cloves to the moonshine, insist 2 weeks in a dark place.
  4. Filter the cognac from the purified moonshine from the bark.

Cognac made of moonshine on walnut septums

Walnut partitions are often used as a component to make cognac from moonshine at home. This product is very cheap, we can say that it is waste after cleaning nuts, however, due to their presence the drink acquires a special rich flavor and delicious color. The classic recipe is very simple and does not require special skills.



  1. All components are placed in a jar and mixed, and then closed.
  2. Bank put in a dark place for 10 days. After insisting, strain the homemade cognac from the moonshine and pour into bottles.

Orange cognac from moonshine

Combinations where orange colors are used can truly convey a fragrance that resembles the original drink as much as possible. The recipe of cognac made of home-brew with the addition of citrus fruits is very popular in preparation for the holidays. A rich taste is achieved through the use of a variety of spices.



  1. Cut the peel from the orange.
  2. In the jar put the zest, tea, spices and pour moonshine.
  3. Close the cover tightly and insist for 2 weeks.
  4. In a frying pan, brown the sugar until golden brown.
  5. When infusion of moonshine, filter it through gauze and add sugar caramel.
  6. To saturate the taste, drink 3-4 days more.

Homemade cognac from moonshine with prunes - recipe

Dried fruits also put in alcoholic beverages, as they acquire a very rich flavor. Cognac from prunes at home is very popular. In the drink in a special way this component will play, if you take it not dried, but dried, it transmits the notes of the smoke as much as possible.



  1. Oak bark pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes to remove excess tannins. After drying the bark and put the bottles on the bottom.
  2. Add prunes, lemon juice, moonshine and spices.
  3. Put the container in a dark place for 3 weeks, then filter the drink through gauze.
  4. Melt the sugar in a skillet until brown.
  5. Introduce sugar caramel in infusion and stand for another week.

Cognac on cedar nuts at home

Cedar nuts are able to give the drink not only a certain taste, but also give it medicinal properties. The preparation of cognac at home from the moonshine using this component makes the drink truly refined, it can be served at any feast with the confidence that the guests will appreciate it.



  1. Pour the nuts with boiling water for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Put the nut on the bottom of the container and add the sugar, mix the two components.
  3. Pour the moonshine and send the pot in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. The production of cognac at home ends with its filtration and cooling.

Chocolate cognac at home - recipe

You can give the drink a distinct taste, if you make chocolate cognac from moonshine. Many chocolate lovers will really like this drink. You can try it in a week, but it will become more fragrant if it is still a month. Add extra sweetness to it with sugar syrup.



  1. Put the chocolate in a saucepan and melt in a water bath.
  2. Add moonshine and vanilla sugar.
  3. Drink to insist for a week.
  4. From water and sugar, boil the syrup.
  5. Cognac from the purified moonshine strain through gauze and mix with syrup.