The man is in love

Twins are the most controversial nature of the starry sky. And what if women are interested in unpredictable, freedom-loving and multifaceted men? Enjoy life and adventure with him? Or try to prune your friend's wings? Alas, women often practice the second, which is fraught with tears and tears.

In love

Twins can not live without love, they themselves are looking for it always and everywhere. The most pleasant period in a relationship is the beginning of the relationship, the very love itself. At such moments, the man Gemini seems to be just an ideal in love, because he is interested in knowing you, he is courteous and not bored with him. You do not need to invent where you will go in the evening, on this account he has 1000 and 1 response.

But it becomes more difficult further. Relationships have the property of losing their brilliance, and when the Gemini realizes that they have learned everything about you that you could offer, it will lose all interest. He himself will find an excuse for a quarrel to speed up the break.

Who is suitable for a man Gemini - a multifaceted woman, who can reincarnate. It should not be too easy to recognize the intellectual superiority of Gemini, otherwise it will be boring, but it's also not worth the wait for compliments and admiration for it, for the Twins are very narcissistic people.

Of course, no one will be surprised and the versatility of the male Gemini in sex. He likes to experiment with poses, places of their fulfillment and prelude. With him you will not feel a lack of caresses, and, at times, there will be even too many of them. A Gemini man can lead to insanity with his ability to excite, moreover, sometimes he does not mind giving you the role of dominant in bed. For a change, of course.


A Gemini man can have compatibility in love with a woman of the same sign. This will be the best parody of a real Sicilian family, in whose house never is quiet, but in the relations of spouses - calm. Scandals, disassembly, quarrels - everything will be, but, at the same time, the best partner for their adventures, both Gemini can not find.

With Cancer, Gemini can have a strong family, if, of course, the woman Cancer will get very patient. As it is necessary to reconcile with many things silently.

And in a marriage with Libra, the Gemini man will reveal his new role. For the first time in his life, he will feel an easy desire to have a real family with a cozy home and children. Is it worth emphasizing that this accomplishment can be written exclusively on the account of home Libra?