Fertilizer ABA

The idea of ​​creating a fertilizer ABA is borrowed from nature itself. Scientists at one time noticed that the soil on which the volcanic lava recently descended quickly becomes covered with lush greenery. They started work on creating a fertilizer for plants , which would give the same result. As a result, a unique food supplement for plants has appeared, thanks to which they grow rapidly, do not get sick and are easier to tolerate wintering.

Composition of ABA fertilizer

The miracle fertilizer includes micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chromium, iron, boron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, zinc, silicon and selenium.

Such a rich composition helps to strengthen the work of soil microorganisms, contributes to the fact that plants become more resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, improve the taste of vegetables and fruits.

ABA Fertilizer: tips for use

The application of ABA fertilizer is very simple - it is enough to introduce it into the loosened soil. And it does not matter at what time of the year you will do it. Fertilizer due to its structure does not cake, does not spoil from high humidity.

To fertilize plants you need very little fertilizer, since it even contains in its smallest grains the entire range of minerals necessary for good growth and development of plants.

Fertilizer ABA is available in several forms. For germination of seeds it is better to use powder fertilizer, and to fertilize fruit plants it is better to choose granular. AVA with nitrogen, used for fertilizing in the spring, gives a tremendous impetus to the development of vegetable, flower and green cultures.

ABA does not contain chlorine, so it is environmentally safe for both plants and humans. Feel free to grow seedlings, feed house flowers, fertilize fruit plants.