How to support the conversation?

Annually on the shelves of bookstores you can find a lot of books with the most varied description of communication techniques. The main goal of most of the techniques is to teach the reader to feel like a fish in water, communicating with different people, both in temperament and character, and in social status.

We will try to find a clue in the successful behavior of people - extroverts, how easily they can maintain a conversation with each new interlocutor.

How can I keep the conversation going?

If the upcoming conversation is planned and you are tormented by vague thoughts that you can make not the best impression or even forget what you are planning to tell, you should make small sketches about what you want to tell the interlocutor. Do not forget that there is no need to criticize anyone or anything. Radiate optimism. It's better to talk about what you like. But do not get carried away with the story of your ego. It is more pleasant for each person to talk about himself, so do not forget to ask open-ended questions to your interlocutor. That is, ask this, which the interlocutor can not answer with a short "yes" or "no." Formulate your question, so that the interlocutor needed to tell a short story from his life or to answer with more than one phrase, thanks to which you can gather information that will facilitate your subsequent questions. In addition to all of the above, being interested in hobbies, the life of the interlocutor, you make it clear that he is very interesting to you as a person, and you do not neglect everything he talks about.

Do not also forget about nodding your head while you are listening. After all, a nod is nothing more than an unconscious expression of consent in relation to the heard opinion, makes it clear that the thoughts of the interlocutor are valuable to you.

The interlocutor will be interested in your cues if they are not spoken dryly, in terms of solid facts, figures, as if you are reporting to the superiors about the amount of work done. Put feelings in your words.

How to talk to a man?

Let's dwell on what topics to talk with a man you need to choose. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer themes that cause adrenaline. They prefer a more practical, material and evocative discussion. It can be politics, football, music, movies, cars.

Of course, not every woman is able to support the conversation about "automatic dispensers with a twin screw screw feeder", so the most optimal and interesting for both sides will be the discussion of the man's success in various areas of his life. In case you have just met recently and do not yet know where it has reached the heights, you can try to find out the information you need with the help of the previously mentioned technique of open and closed questions.

If a woman does not take any interest in this, then let's move on to what to talk about with men.

If you want to be successful in communicating with the opposite sex, then the likelihood of mutual sympathy in communication will increase, if in addition to women's themes, you will still be guided in those topics that men can discuss for hours. At least several times a week, be interested in news in international politics, look at the website of movie posters. But, when you can select the right topics for conversation, do not forget that you are dealing with men, and they will not understand you from the half-word.

Let's also consider ways to help answer the question of how to communicate with men, so that after the end of the conversation, both you and your interlocutor are satisfied.

  1. So, while communicating with men, you should avoid a lengthy introduction, and do not seek to embellish the described event with some epithets or metaphors.
  2. Conversation with a man should be more clear and consistent. In no case do not interrupt your conversation with another story in the hope that your partner will also easily be able to catch the essence of what was said. At this point, the man's brain begins to try to find a logical relationship between the two stories. Try to stick to the sequence in your statement.
  3. Try to avoid half-hints. Do not use phrases such as "Could not you ...". In response to the last man can mentally agree that he is able to fulfill your request. He, in rare cases, will understand that this is a request. This is your phrase, he will regard as interest on your part about his ability to do what you mentioned
  4. If during a conversation with a man, he actively interrupts you, expressing the thought that has just appeared, he will not offend at all if you apply the same tactics.

That during a conversation you can not talk to men, it's about losing, losing your life, do not share secrets about your complexes. They do not need to know about what you do not like about your appearance, about your extra pounds and about the dress of your mother on you. Create in the imagination of men your successful image.