The art of persuading

How important it is now to know and apply in practice the art of convincing, knowing the weak and strong sides of your interlocutor, to understand what is interesting to him and what is not - in order to persuade a person to his side, not so much is needed.

Psychological methods of persuasion

  1. Who does not like flattering words in his address? Of course, not many realize that there is little sincerity in this. But it is through flattery that you can lower your partner's control over the situation.
  2. Do not forget to agree. Build your proposals as follows: "You are absolutely right, but I still wanted to add ...". And in the second part it is necessary to express your point of view, in spite of the fact that it can completely contradict the interlocutor's opinion.
  3. Be a listener. It is in this lies the power of persuasion. Show the person that his thought is appreciated, seen. Do not interrupt him. Let me talk. In his subsequent phrases do not forget to refer to his statements, for example: "To what you said about the sales ranking, I will add the following ...".
  4. Of course, the art of convincing is not only in the ability to skillfully explain your thoughts, but also in the ability to analyze the body language of the interlocutor. Notice that he uses closed positions: arms crossed on the chest or ankles pinned to each other? Know that he is protected from you. He dislikes the topic of conversation. This signal: urgently change tactics.
  5. Each person is peculiar to search in any situation for the benefit of a loved one. Proceeding from this, as a weighty argument, give what is good for the person if she accepts your proposal.
  6. It should not be considered that the gift of persuasion is not given to everyone. With the help of multiple practices, this can be learned. So, after a while you will easily escape from the "sharp corners" of the conversation. At a time when the conversation is about to grow into a dispute, change the subject. So, for example, "I guess I did not say so. I'm not talking about this, but about that ... ".