Creative thinking

Looking at Picasso's paintings or new technical inventions that make life easier for mankind, you involuntarily begin to think about how the idea of ​​creating such a masterpiece could arise in a person's head! In fact, everything is quite simple and can become an extraordinary person almost everyone. But how to develop creative thinking, stop thinking with patterns and push the boundaries of the usual understanding of the world? About all tell in order.

Development of creative thinking

To teach a person creative thinking is not an easy task. Especially if from childhood he is not used to fantasizing and prone to rationality. However, if you wish, almost everyone, regardless of age, can start thinking differently. But before this happens, it is worth remembering a few important rules:

  1. Our life is a consequence of our thoughts. Those. every step in life a person makes thanks to the idea that was born in his head.
  2. The human thinking potential is unlimited. It can generate thoughts in any direction.
  3. A person can do anything! Accordingly, he can achieve everything that he has conceived and what he believed.
  4. Imagination is more important than any facts and arguments, and it rules the world.

Having mastered these rules and having believed in yourself, any person can turn mountains. For example, based on the characteristics of the modern world, creative thinking perfectly helps in business. It not only allows to make companies more successful, projects are interesting, and goods are in demand. The very practice of generating ingenious and unusual ideas sometimes pushes ordinary citizens to create their own business, which brings them income and success. But if this has not happened yet, you need to start with boundless faith in yourself and start using techniques of creative thinking.

Methods of Creative Thinking

The universal technology of creative thinking, unfortunately, has not yet been invented. However, there are various options for its development:

  1. The method of searching for alternatives and analogies. Characterized by spontaneous thinking with many different tasks and solutions. It does not require a specific work on each option that is born in the head. Thus, it allows you to find a solution, using all the experience accumulated for life.
  2. Guessing. Sometimes there are situations in which it is impossible to think through the course of their actions. It is in this case that it is best to trust your brain and act by instinct to solve uncertainty. In other words - trust your intuition.
  3. Brainstorm. This popular method was created back in the 30s of the 20th century. Its feature is the prohibition of criticism, that is, it will separate from the generation of ideas. For example, the group consists of 10 participants, within 40 minutes they have to express their ideas on the topic. Any fantasy is allowed: from playful to fantasy and erroneous (you can not criticize them and all ideas are welcome). At a certain moment, an agiotage begins, in which ideas are formed involuntarily among participants and the brain starts to put forward the most incredible hypotheses. The end of the brainstorming involves a detailed analysis and evaluation of the options proposed by the participants. The main advantage of this method is the experience of non-standard thinking, which each participant acquires.
  4. Mental cards. A wonderful technique of creative thinking that can be used to make decisions, record new information or organize thoughts in your head. How to work with maps:

The technique helps to draw a diagram of relationships, recall important points of the problem and restore the visual image of the problem that needs to be solved.

Creative thinking can also be developed with the help of unusual puzzles. Here are some examples of problems with a "dirty trick" and options for answering them:

In the same way, you can solve any problem from the children's textbook on mathematics. And in the future, and any difficult life task. The main thing is to learn not to pay attention to the pattern of thinking, to be more confident and to believe in the power of your own thought!