Banana cake in the multivark

If you are bored with breakfast sandwiches, then a banana cake cooked in a multivark will be an excellent alternative. It is done very quickly, but it turns out to be loose, rich and fragrant.

The recipe for a banana cake in a multivariate



Softened butter butter is ground with sugar. Next, we introduce eggs and mix the mass with a mixer. Bananas are cleaned, laid out in a separate bowl and kneaded with a fork until a puree state. After that, pour kefir into the fruit mass and whisk thoroughly. Now we connect everything with the oil mixture, throw vanillin, poppy to taste and baking powder. We sift the flour, pour it into the dough and mix it to a homogeneous consistency. Pour it into the bowl of the multivarquet and put the "Bake" mode on for 65 minutes. We cool the prepared cupcake, take it from the bowl and sprinkle it before serving sugar powder.

Chocolate-banana cupcake in the multivark



Chicken egg and 2 egg yolks beat with sugar until a lush mass. Remain the remaining proteins in the refrigerator. To the egg mixture, add a peeled banana, chopped nuts, pour in milk and vegetable oil. Squirrels whisk to strong peaks, and rub the chocolate on the middle grandson and mix everything into the dough. Pour it into the bowl of the multivarka, oiled, and bake in the "Bake" mode. After the sound signal, the banana-nut cake in the multivark, and then cut into pieces, sprinkled with powdered sugar and invite everyone to tea.

Banana-curd cake in a multivariate



Beat curd in a blender in a homogeneous mass. Then add the softened butter, inject the eggs, throw the sugar and vanillin. All thoroughly mix and pour in portions, sifted with baking powder.

Banana is cleaned, cut into small pieces and mixed into dough. The form is smeared with oil, pour the dough and cook in the multivark, putting out the program "Baking" 30 minutes. Next, the cupcake is slightly cooled, taken out carefully from the mold and sprinkled with a fine sugar powder.