What is useful for radish for the body and what is contained in it?

With the onset of spring, you really want to eat vegetables and one of the first on the table appears radishes, which contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for a weakened body after the winter. Scientists have long determined the usefulness of the radish and its tops for humans.

Radish - composition

Spicy roots have a rich chemical composition, which is proved by scientists. Although the radish is 95% water, there are important substances in the body. There is in it fiber 2.5%, carbohydrates 2.4% and the minimum amount of proteins and fats. Finding out what is contained in the radish, it is worth pointing out that in the root crops there are such minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and others. There are mustard oil in vegetable, phytoncides and anthocyanins.

What are the vitamins in radish?

Many people after winter face such a concept as beriberi, which manifests itself in weakened immunity, poor hair and nails condition, and also in a depressed state . To correct this situation, it is necessary to supply the body with useful substances. There are vitamins in radish, so in small roots contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, K and C. All these substances are important for the proper functioning of the body.

Radish - useful properties

Given the rich chemical composition, no one should have any doubts about the benefits of root vegetables.

  1. Has a diuretic and cleansing effect, so radish is an excellent assistant in the treatment of various kidney diseases, because it purifies the body of harmful substances.
  2. Useful properties of radishes for the human body are due to the fact that the root crop reduces the risk of developing cancer. This is due to the presence of ascorbic acid , which is fighting against free radicals. There are compounds that have anticancer properties.
  3. Showing root to be eaten by people who are overweight . This is due to its minimal calorie content and its positive effect on the digestive system.
  4. In the composition there are substances important for the beauty of the skin. They retain the water balance and tone the dermis. Kashitsa from a radish is used as a mask which has antibacterial and wound-healing effect. With regular application, you can cope with dryness, rashes and inflammation.
  5. The use of radish for the body is associated with its beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The vegetable strengthens them, makes the blood more liquid and resists the occurrence of a heart attack.
  6. It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, so the vegetable is considered effective at elevated temperature. Positively affects the activity of the digestive system.
  7. It helps to strengthen muscles, and all thanks to the presence of a number of amino acids.
  8. It is recommended to use to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood . Perhaps this is due to the presence of essential acids, for example, lysine and tryptophan.
  9. Positively affects the activity of the nervous system, helping to improve mood, fight depression and normalize sleep.

In this vegetable it is recommended not only to consume root vegetables, but also leaves that contain trace elements, vitamins and other substances. For confirmation it is necessary to find out what is useful for radish tops:

  1. It is recommended to use for problems associated with a lack of vitamins. The top should be eaten fresh, adding to the salad.
  2. It is allowed to include people who are trying to lose weight in the menu. Useful leaves will help prevent deficiency of nutrients in the body.
  3. In dried form, it can be used to treat fungi on the foot.
  4. Finding out how useful the spring radish and its tops, it is worth pointing to the fact that it is an excellent prevention of rickets in children.

Radish with diabetes mellitus

People who are diagnosed with diabetes should carefully select products for their menu. Many people are wondering whether it is possible to eat radish with diabetes, so doctors give good to this product. This is due to the presence of fiber, which slows down the process of splitting carbohydrates, which helps to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. It should be noted a small calorie (14 kcal per 100 g) and the presence of phytoncides. Finding out how useful radishes for diabetics, it is important to indicate the presence of natural insulin, important for the pancreas and metabolism.

Radish for the intestine

Virtually all vegetables are included in the list of products that are useful for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Doctors and scientists confirm that radish is effective in constipation, because it contains a lot of fiber, which gets into the body, swells and cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins. As a result, the work of the organ and the activity of the entire digestive system are improved. Finding out how useful radish, you need to specify that the bitter taste of the vegetable, due to the presence of mustard oil, increases appetite.

Radish from parasites

Although there are a lot of antihelminthic drugs in pharmacies, many people continue to use folk remedies to fight parasites. Effective is the radish from worms, and turnips, rutabaga and all kinds of cabbage. It is recommended to eat vegetables in fresh form, for example, cooking salads from them. Due to their antiparasitic properties, they will get rid of helminths for a short period of time.

Radish with cystitis

If a woman is diagnosed with cystitis, then an important component of the treatment is a diet. This is explained by the fact that the bladder has a direct connection with the activity of the kidneys. Products that are difficult to process can irritate inflamed tissues, worsening the condition of the patient. Finding out if a radish is useful for cystitis, it is worth pointing out that the root crop is under prohibition, but the tops can be used.



  1. Pour the leaves with water and cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes. After that, insist everything for an hour.
  2. Drink infusion is necessary for half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Radish with arthritis

In the presence of diseases of the joints and arthritis, including, doctors recommend to adhere to a certain diet, which implies the rejection of a number of products. Properties of radishes are dangerous with such a diagnosis, as turnips, spinach and sorrel. At the same time it is allowed to use root crops externally, as they have an irritating and anti-inflammatory property. Freshly prepared gruel should be applied as a compress.

Radish against coughing

Since ancient times, people to reduce coughing attacks use root vegetables, which is included in different recipes of traditional medicine. The usefulness of the radish can be used both for the treatment of adults and for children. In the second case, you just need to cook the vegetable, preparing a concentrated broth and giving it to the baby. Finding out how useful the radish from coughing for adults, you can offer such a recipe.



  1. To prepare a healing medicine, carefully mix all the ingredients.
  2. Take a couple of large spoons a half an hour before meals 3 times a day. To get rid of the problem, you need to treat at least 1.5 weeks.
  3. It is possible, with a strong cough, to heal the root crop, boiled in honey.

Radish with gastritis

When the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed it is important to carefully monitor your diet. In the description, what is useful for radish for the body, it is indicated that this root vegetable enhances the secretion of gastric juice and increases its acidity. As a result, there is discomfort in the stomach and esophagus. In addition, the coarse fibers in this vegetable mechanically affect the damaged gastric mucosa. You can not eat vegetables in case of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Radish with hemorrhoids

In the presence of a similar problem, doctors recommend that you include in your diet foods that contain coarse fibers, that is indigestible carbohydrates. They improve digestion and prevent the appearance of constipation, which is the main cause of hemorrhoids. Determining the benefits of radishes, it is worth pointing out the presence of coarse fibers in the root crop, and the juice of this vegetable soothes the digestive and excretory system, which is useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Radish for liver

The properties of this small root are useful for people who have liver problems, since it helps to clean and improve the work of this organ. The use of radishes for health and the main thing for the liver is also observed when using the foliage. It is used to prepare a decoction that helps to clean the body. It is important to take fresh leaves for the recipe.



  1. Mix the ingredients and cook before the amount of liquid is reduced by half.
  2. After that, strain, add a little sugar for taste and drink.

Radish for gout

If the metabolism is broken in the body, the salts of uric acid are deposited in the joints and the person is diagnosed with gout. With this diagnosis, it is important to carefully monitor food, excluding harmful foods. Although radish and contains a small amount of uric acid (9.6 mg per 100 g), it is better to refuse this root crop. This rule does not apply to juice that can be obtained from this plant product. The therapeutic properties of radishes with gout can be obtained by mixing in equal proportions the juice of radishes and carrots.