Ecological education in kindergarten

Preschool age is characterized by increased curiosity in various spheres, but children show special interest in nature. Therefore, environmental education in kindergarten occupies an important place in the development of knowledge of the surrounding world, the development of humane attitude to all living things and the formation of conscious behavior in the natural environment.

The goal of ecological education is:

The urgency of ecological education

The formation of humane attitude to nature is the main task of ecological education, which is realized by developing in children compassion, empathy and sympathy for all living beings on the planet. Man is a part of nature, but often it is he who has a detrimental effect on the world around him. Formation of the active position of "defender and friend" of the natural world is the basis in the education of the ecological culture of preschool children. Children are especially sensitive and responsive, and therefore are actively involved in all activities to protect those who need it. It is important to show the children that people take a stronger position in relation to the natural world (for example, plants wither without watering, birds will die from the cold in the winter without feeding). Therefore, we should make every effort to ensure that all life on earth develops and brings joy (for example, the morning singing of birds under the window will be pleasing to those who fed them in winter, and the blooming flower on the window will please those who watered it).

The received knowledge about the world around us must be supported by practical activities and illustrative examples so that children can see the positive result of their activities and have a desire to improve their achievements.

Forms and methods of ecological education

Great importance in the ecological education of the person is occupied by excursions, thanks to which children get acquainted with the diversity of the natural world and observe the phenomena of nature. Excursions are also important for the accumulation of knowledge about the nature of the native land and orientation on the terrain: the ability to find relationships in nature, observe people's perceptions, predict the consequences of human activities, both favorable and negative. During the excursion, children learn to interact with the surrounding world. For this, the educator pays special attention to the fact that man is only a guest in the natural world, and therefore must follow the commandments: to observe silence, to be patient and attentive.

The role of fairy tales in the upbringing of preschool children can not be overemphasized, and ecological tales are interesting, first of all, by the novelty of the plot and the introduction of unusual characters. Thanks to tales for children in an accessible form, you can tell about complex phenomena in nature, about the relationship between nature and man and the importance of human labor. A special place is occupied by fairy tales invented by the children themselves.

One of the main types of pre-school education is didactic games on environmental education. Thanks to the game, the child learns to distinguish signs of phenomena and objects, compare them and classify them. Children learn new information about the natural world, develop memory and perception, talk about the life of animals and plants, developing thinking and speaking. Didactic games promote the application of the acquired knowledge for joint games, improving the children's communication skills.

Of course, the ecological development of children in the garden will be particularly effective if it is interlinked with environmental education in the family. Therefore, teachers should encourage parents to create favorable conditions for an environmentally-developing environment at home.