Inflammation of the gallbladder - treatment

As a rule, the treatment of gallbladder inflammation begins when the disease has time to take a serious enough form. All due to the fact that the disease develops gradually and secretly - its symptoms are implicit, and they can easily be confused with the consequences of usual overeating or poisoning.

Conservative treatment of gallbladder inflammation

To lead to cholecystitis - this is how inflammation is called - different factors can. Among them:

One of the most important components of the course of treating inflammation of the gallbladder is a diet. You need to eat so that the body gets enough protein and carbohydrates and at the same time does not suffer from an overabundance of salts, fats, coarse fiber, cholesterol. It is advisable to eat four to six times a day in small portions. The ideal dishes are steamed.

Quite often during the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder, cholagogue preparations, anesthetics and antispasmodics are prescribed. The most effective for cholecystitis are:

To maintain and strengthen the immune system it is useful to drink vitamin complexes. With inflammation of the bile, vitamins of the B group are most useful.

In some cases, heavy artillery is used to treat inflammation of the gallbladder - antibiotics:

In general, strong drugs are prescribed immediately in shock doses.

Folk methods of treatment of gallbladder inflammation

Recipe # 1 - treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home with a dogrose root

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Pre-washed and dried root of dogrose finely chopped and pour boiling water. Brew the mixture like tea. Drink a medicine on a glass on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

Recipe number 2 - a folk remedy for the treatment of gallbladder inflammation with herbs

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Mix all ingredients and pour boiling water. After half an hour, when the agent is infused, it must be filtered. Drink the medicine before eating half the glass three times a day.