Muffins - recipe

Unlike the usual cupcake , muffins are much softer and tender, and all thanks to the high content of liquid ingredients in the dough. In addition, there is not much difference. Like muffins, muffins can easily be supplemented with a variety of fruits, dried fruits and nuts, add dyes and fragrances, chocolate and cocoa - which is what we intend to do, by analyzing the recipes of muffins from this article.

Muffins with chocolate and banana - recipe

Some of the most popular are chocolate muffins. The company of chocolate or cocoa in them can make peanut butter or bananas. We decided to stay on the last option, thanks to which the muffins will turn out to be more fragrant and moist.

If you want to try the recipe for lean muffins, then just remove the eggs from the recipe (the bananas perfectly tie the ingredients together) and replace the yogurt with any vegetable milk.



Bananas for this recipe are best taken from ripe ones. They, in the end, are easily scraped and will be able to give a maximum of flavor and sweetness. Peel bananas in puree and whip this mashed potatoes with eggs, yogurt and sugar. Pour the vegetable oil next. Separately connect the remaining dry components. Mix dry ingredients together with liquids. Too zealous with the blending is not necessary, you can even leave in the mixture a few small flour balls, because the less you mix the dough, the softer it will end up. Distribute the dough by forms for muffins, pre-oiled them or laid out on the bottom of special paper stands.

Baking takes about half an hour at 180 degrees.

Muffins with cherries on yogurt - recipe

If you do not have yoghurt at hand, then it can be replaced with fat kefir, and the latter does not even need to be the first freshness, as an extra sour in the finished product will not be felt.



Prepare berries by removing a bone from them. It is better to use fresh cherries, since the frozen berry gives an unpleasant blue-green tinge to the crumb, although if the appearance is not so basic, then you can use the frozen product, the difference in taste will not be felt.

Mix the first pair of ingredients together. Soft oil turn into a cream, pre-sprinkling sugar to it. When the cream of the butter is ready, drive a pair of eggs to it, continuing the whipping. Now add the oil mixture with vanilla and pour in kefir. Combine everything with the dry mixture and add the peeled cherries. Distribute everything in 12 muffin shape boxes and send everything to bake at 190 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

A simple recipe for curd muffins

Curd muffins are obtained denser than their relatives, described above, and all thanks to curd, which makes the dough more moist, and at the same time heavy.



Mix the first three ingredients in one container. In another, whip the cottage cheese with egg and citrus peel, add oil and water there. The resulting liquid mixture is mixed with a dry to form a more or less homogeneous dough. Distribute the dough in 12 cells of the mold for muffins, bake them 15 minutes at 190 degrees.