Adyghe cheese at home

Adyghe cheese is a unique product that has not only an original sour-milk taste, but also a wealth of useful microelements. It contains phosphorus, proteins, amino acids, B vitamins. It is used both as an independent dish and as the main ingredient in the recipes for the preparation of cheese cakes , dumplings or cheese masses. Let's not waste time in vain and will consider with you some recipes for home-made Adyghe cheese.

Adyghe cheese in a multivariate



Pour the sour milk into the dry bowl of the multivark. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs with salt and pour the resulting mixture into the milk, thoroughly mixing with a whisk or a plastic spatula. We set the "Baking" mode and cook for 25 minutes. The resulting serum is slowly poured out through a strainer, and the cheese mass pressed in this way is set for about 2 hours under a press. Prepared in the home, Adyghe cheese is sliced ​​in small slices and served as a full-fledged independent dish on the table.

Adyghe cheese - a classic recipe



So, first of the kefir we cook the serum. To do this, pour it into a saucepan and set it on a slow fire. Somewhere in about 5 minutes you will notice that the curd has separated from the yogurt and slowly floats to the surface. It is at this point that the heating is stopped. The resultant mixture is filtered several times through gauze or a sieve. We do not need curd , but lightly green whey is gently poured into a clean dry jar and leave for 2 days at room temperature for fermentation.

After the time has elapsed, you can start cooking Adyghe cheese. Fresh pasteurized milk is poured into a saucepan, put on a weak fire and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Continuing to boil the milk, add the infusion serum and observe how in 5 minutes the milk will begin to fold, and the cheese will gradually begin to separate from the whey. Now gently remove the pan from the fire, strain the mixture through the cheesecloth, add salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Without removing the gauze, from the resulting mass, form the head of cheese and place it under the press, for the night we put it in the refrigerator. In the morning we merge the formed liquid, unfold the Adyghe cheese from gauze, cut it into slices and proceed to the tasting!

Adyghe cheese with own hands



How to cook Adyghe cheese at home? In a large saucepan pour fresh milk and put on a strong fire. We bring it to almost a boil and gradually a thin trickle of yogurt. Minutes after 2 you will notice that flakes will start to float on the surface and a serum of greenish color will form. As soon as the serum becomes transparent, our cheese is ready. Gently pour the mass into the cheesecloth, collect the ends and raise the gauze sack with cheese, so that the whey would drain better. Then we take a dish, spread the cheese, forming on its taste its shape. Now it can be served to the table and take a sample.

How to store Adyghe cheese? The period of storage, first of all, depends on the naturalness and quality of the products used. Some shop cheeses can be stored for several years. But home-made Adyghe cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for not more than one month, wrapped in a towel.