Honey massage at home

In specialized medical offices and beauty parlors, a service like a massage with honey has long been offered. This is not surprising, since this product has a health-improving effect on the body, it helps to cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system and eliminates cosmetic skin defects. In this article, we will look at how to carry out honey massage at home.

Honey anti-cellulite massage

Cellulite, perhaps, is the most unpleasant problem of modern women. It appears regardless of age and physique and causes a lot of inconvenience, especially psychological. Honey massage against cellulite has proven its effectiveness and speed. The procedure intensifies blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin, warms up the muscles and promotes the splitting of fatty deposits. In addition, honey nourishes the skin cells, facilitates skin breathing and oxygen exchange.

Technique of honey anti-cellulite massage:

It should be noted that the first 2-3 times honey anti-cellulite massage at home can cause pain and the subsequent appearance of small bruises. This is quite normal reaction of the skin, which passes by itself and stops after 4-5 times of the massage.

Honey massage of the abdomen

The technique of performing the procedure on problem areas of the abdomen is completely analogous to anti-cellulite massage for the hips and buttocks. With this care, you can not only get rid of fat deposits in the waist, but also significantly tighten the skin even after childbirth. Instead of a massage oil for massage of the stomach, it is recommended to use almond cosmetic oil, essential oil of lemon and lavender.

Honey back massage

Massage of the back and waist with honey is intended not only to improve the appearance of the skin. This procedure is prescribed for treatment and prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis and muscle atrophy. It is desirable that it was done by a professional, but you can teach your close people to massage techniques. It is performed by the above described method of patting the skin with the palms. The only thing you need to remember - before the honey massage you need to warm up your back muscles very well with intensive stroking and rubbing in for 5-8 minutes to avoid skin damage.

Honey massage - contraindications:

  1. Allergy to bee products.
  2. Phlebeurysm.
  3. Tumors.
  4. Asthma.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Blood clotting disorders.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine system and thyroid gland.