Symptoms of a psychopath

If you believe the experts, most often psychopathy is a genetic abnormality, which at one time may be a symptom of a more serious disease. A psychopath can not only be born, but also become. For example, children who were subjected to hard education and violence in childhood are likely to grow up psychopaths.

10 signs of a psychopath

As a rule, people with a healthy psyche instinctively fear psychopaths, try not to enter into a relationship with them. But how to recognize a sick person? This will help the following signs and own intuition :

  1. Psychopaths are very charming people, they easily enter into the trust with only one purpose: in the future to use the person or his connections.
  2. Pathological lies - what distinguishes a sick person from the crowd, there is an excuse or not, they are not particularly worried.
  3. Irresponsibility and rejection of any rules, laws, foundations - a distinctive feature of a psychopath.
  4. Lack of respect for someone and condescending-contemptuous communication with people is a common thing for people with disabilities.
  5. Duplicity: psychopaths change masks like gloves.
  6. Sick people are very vindictive and do not remember good deeds.
  7. If a number of people who have never had a long relationship, then for sure he is a psychopath.
  8. Propensity to alcohol, drugs, extreme sports, promiscuous sexual relations also give deviations in the psyche.
  9. Sick people do not know anything about remorse and sympathy.
  10. Psychopaths perfectly manipulate people and their feelings .

These signs of a psychopath can help avoid communication and as a consequence, problems with sick people in the future. If you, having succumbed to charm, married a man like that, then run away, headlong. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of domestic violence. Recognize the partner of a psychopath can be on such grounds for men - this is, first of all, the manipulation and humiliation of women, and countless betrayals.

The question of how to recognize a psychopath by traits is often of concern to employers. Try to apply intuition, ask unexpected questions to the competitor (this can confuse the person and make you show the true person), but if there was even a drop of doubt - deny the person in order to avoid problems in the future, not only with communications in the team, but also in work in the whole.