Books developing intelligence

In everyday routine, we often feel like an automaton for performing certain actions - monotonous work, no less homogeneous homework, it seems, do not leave time for self-improvement. But it can still be done, the main thing is to choose the right way. It can be reading books that develop intelligence and thinking. This option you can spend only 40 minutes a day, in addition, work on yourself will continue and after the book has been read - you need to think about any work.

What books develop the intellect?

The process of self-improvement must be approached in a complex way, otherwise some of your abilities will remain at an embryonic level. Therefore, books that develop intelligence, should be diverse, do not focus only on professional literature and works on self-development, include in your diet and works of art.

  1. The book of Roger Saip "Development of the brain. How to read faster, remember better and achieve greater goals " is able to replace several guidelines for self-development. Effective techniques outlined in it, will help you learn to read sensibly and memorize easily. While reading, keep a pencil close at hand to make notes and perform the exercises offered by the author.
  2. What books do you think develop intellect? They can be any, but if you do not know how to process, the received information, then any reading will be useless. The book «Info-driver: How to survive in the sea of ​​information» , written by Konoplev VS. It is intended to help anyone who wants to better navigate the huge amount of incoming information.
  3. Books that develop intelligence and thinking, must keep our mental abilities in a constant tone, they literally have to make us think. Paul Eckman's book "Know the liar by the expression of the face" is capable of this. After reading it, it will be difficult for you to refrain from constantly analyzing the facial expressions of your interlocutor, which means that your intellectual abilities will also develop.
  4. W. Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night is also capable of helping to train thinking , especially if you read it in English.

Read more books, different and interesting, just do not forget about the analysis of the information received, and then the smartest people of the planet will be able to envy your intellectual abilities.