The Mozart Effect

Scientists of the United States and some European countries conducted independent studies, during which it was found that music written by Mozart, is capable of influencing the brain activity of a person. For 10 minutes of listening to his music IQ scores could grow at once by 8-10 points! This discovery was called "Mozart effect" and made the music of the composer incredibly popular.

The effect of Mozart's music

In 1995, a number of experiments were carried out, during which it was found that a group of people who before listening to the test listened to Mozart's music showed several times higher test results. Improved and attentiveness, and concentration, and memory. The effect of Mozart gives and zero stress , as a result of which it becomes easier for a person to concentrate and give the right answer.

European scientists managed to prove that Mozart's melodies affect the intellect positively, regardless of whether this tune is pleasant to the listener or not.

Mozart effect: healing music

During the study of the Mozart effect, it was found that music for health is as useful as for intelligence. For example, it was found that sonatas, especially No. 448, can even reduce the manifestation during an epileptic fit.

In the United States, a number of studies were conducted, during which it was proved that people with neuralgic diseases after only 10 minutes of listening to the music of the great composer, could much better perform small movements with their hands.

In Sweden, Mozart's music is included in maternity homes, because it is believed that it is capable of reducing child mortality. In addition, European experts say that listening to Mozart during meals improves digestion, but if you listen to melodies every day, your hearing, speech and peace of mind improve.

The effect of Mozart - a myth or reality?

While some scientists conduct experiments and admire the results, the other part of them says that this is just a myth. Scientists from Austria have researched a large number of materials and claim that the test results are really better for those people who listened to music, but Mozart exerted the same strong influence as Bach, Beethoven or Tchaikovsky. In other words, all classical music turned out to be therapeutic and useful in its own way, developing brain activity and helping concentration of attention .