Psychology of Diseases

Socrates also maintained that "there is no bodily disease separate from the soul," that is, paraphrasing it into a more familiar to our ear: "a healthy mind in a healthy body," and vice versa. However, for some reason modern medicine with a grin rejects such arguments. Was Socrates so stupid? Or, maybe, these modern doctors are too self-serving? Whatever it was, and there is some truth in the fact that diseases and psychology have a connection, because each of us noticed that the aggravation of ailments occurs at some psychologically difficult moment - because of stress, excitement, fatigue. Let's talk about the psychology of disease, no matter how it sounds ridiculous.

Thought - action - result

If you start from the opposite, finding the psychological cause of the physical ailment, and, most importantly, eliminating it, you can permanently get rid of this disease. But not everything is so simple in practice. Finding the problem itself is not so difficult, but it may take a year to solve it.

Day after day, we litter our brains with unspoken resentments, fears, doubts. All this does not evaporate, but is postponed by excessive piles. At some point it seems that a further life with such half-madness is theoretically impossible. For example, take any inflammatory processes, let's say banal angina. Do you think this whole set of symptoms because of the excessive amount of eaten ice cream, cold, volatile infections in buses? No, the cause of the illness is in psychology, specifically in your psychological problems. The emergence of inflammatory processes of any kind is facilitated by frustration with the surrounding reality, rage, fear and anger, as well as your inflamed consciousness.

From this it follows that first there is a thought (wrong), it promotes an incorrect action (for example, a constant brain stress), and as a result, there is a disease.

Female diseases

Here, even to convince no one costs, all the fair sex more than clearly feel the psychology of female diseases and even know what "wrong" thoughts lead to them.

The most common causes of female diseases are from adolescence - wrong sexual education , a painful first experience with men, distrust of the opposite sex, and, most importantly, the negation of women in themselves. Most of our intimate problems are due to the lack of a sense of one's own femininity, the opinion that sex is something vicious and dirty.

All this favorable environment for the development of diseases must be recognized and realized through internal dialogue, and then eliminated with the help of a psychologist.