Classification of feelings and emotions

Human feelings and emotions are very versatile. They are a universally recognized importance in human life, but the classification of feelings and emotions has several types. Each scientist, striving to give them an exact classification, distinguished at his discretion certain characteristics and characteristics.

So, according to the classification of the American psychologist Isard, emotions include such psychological states as: surprise, guilt, suffering, interest, fear, joy, shame, etc.

Feelings, in turn, are the most complex form of the flow of emotional processes in the vital activity of each person. And if we consider feelings of emotion under such an angle, they consist of conceptual and emotional components.

Thus, the sense organs are specialized organs, whose help the human nervous system is capable of receiving various stimuli from the internal and external environment. The person perceives these irritations as sensations.

Irritations that affect the senses of a person, affect the course of his emotional processes.

Classification of the sensory organs

Depending on their origin and structure, the senses are divided into:

  1. Sight and sense of smell. Their receptor cells develop from an embryonic nerve plate.
  2. Organs of taste and balance. Sensory-epithelial cells are their perceiving elements. These are secondary sensory organs of the senses.
  3. Touch. These sensory organs lack any clear system of structure.

Let us analyze how the classification of feelings and emotions depends on the different needs of a person.

So, the emotions and feelings are distinguished:

  1. Aesthetic.
  2. Moral.
  3. Practical.
  4. Intellectual.
  5. Higher education.

Thus, the classification of a person's feelings depends on his social needs, for example, love of the motherland, can be attributed to higher feelings. They are responsible for higher human social needs.

Morals are manifested and depend on interpersonal relationships. The person experiences moral feelings, both to other people, and to itself. For example, love, conscience, friendship.

Practical feelings are various experiences (labor and other spheres of activity).

Intellectual find their expression when a person experiences surprise or joy, learning something new. Aesthetic feelings are caused by watching something beautiful, inspiring.

It should be noted that feelings and emotions do not have boundaries of their expression. So, a person can experience ambivalence of feelings (that is, in an instant and admire someone, but at the same time condemn the same person for something else).