Quilling - animals

If you are a beginner, but really want to know how to make animals out of paper in quilling technique, we will help you. And let the first creations be not so intricate and amazing, but this is only the beginning. So, we offer a simple master class to create funny animals in the quilling technique.

For the manufacture of all crafts we need these materials:

Panda Bear

To make this cute animal out of quilling paper with your own hands, special skills will not be required. And the paper needs only two colors - black and white. First, you need to screw a strip of white paper onto the skewer. Then the part should be removed and slightly dissolve, fixing the adhesive end of the strip. Similarly, make the second same detail. These elements will be the body and head of the panda bears. Similarly, four black paws are made, but their diameter should be slightly smaller. Even smaller should be the ears and spout. Slightly more difficult eyes are made. First a strip of white paper is wound on a skewer, and then a strip of black paper. Dissolve these details are not necessary. It remains to connect the glue with all the details, and the panda bear is ready!

Red-headed cat

It's even easier to make a red kitten from paper. Prepare two circles of strips of paper, screwed on a skewer, two black eyes and two ears-triangles. The last details are done in the same way, but after removing them from the skewers with their fingers, they should be shaped accordingly. Glue the cat's figure, decorate the muzzle with a mustache made of paper and a spiral twist of a piece of paper.

These simple schemes for creating animals in the technique of quilling for beginners seem to you elementary? Then try to make the cat in a more complicated version.

  1. Twist the three crescents and two triangles of black paper.
  2. Now from the two bands of black and orange folded together, twist the two rolls. It remains to twist 4 teardrop-shaped details from orange strips, two "drops" with the addition of a black strip and one orange "wave" with a black outline. Now all the details are ready.
  3. Proceed to assemble the craft. First glue the head of the cat, glue it to the body along with the paws and tail. Muzzle decorate with mobile plastic eyes. A funny cat can be glued to a magnet that will decorate your refrigerator.

Also in the quilling technique you can make beautiful flowers .

Having mastered these simple tricks, you can create in the technique of quilling and voluminous animals.