Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms

This dish will appeal not only to those who keep fasting or adhere to dietary nutrition. Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms are a wonderful alternative to meat stuffed cabbage rolls. You can mix the mushroom filling with rice, buckwheat or carrots, cook them in the oven or simmer in the cauldron. You can add tomato gravy or serve with sour cream. Let's find out how to prepare cabbage rolls with mushrooms and make variety in your diet.

Cabbage rolls with mushrooms - recipe

Traditionally, the filling for lean stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms is mixed with rice. This is the recipe we will try with you.



Mushrooms (can take champignons) washed, cut into slices and pawned in a saucepan, pre-warmed with vegetable oil (50 g). Stew about 8-10 minutes. In a frying pan, on the remaining oil fry until golden color onions, cut into half rings, add washed rice and mushrooms. With mushrooms, it is first necessary to drain the liquid (in another dish). Salt, pepper, stir and leave to cook for a small fire for 10 minutes. Then add 200 ml of water, cover with a lid and simmer until rice completely absorbs water. Remove from the fire and leave to stand. In the meantime, we boil the cabbage in boiling water, sort it out into leaves, then lay out the filling on each sheet. We fold the cabbage rolls and put it in a saucepan. Fill with mushroom broth, salt and put on fire. The liquid must completely cover the cabbage rolls. After boiling, we cook for 15 minutes.

Instead of rice, you can use buckwheat and cook cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms. To do this, boil the croup to half-cooked, then mix it with mushroom fry and form cabbage rolls. You can add mashed carrots to mushrooms and onions.

Lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms

If there are mistresses who do not like to mess around and fold each pigeon with an envelope, then this recipe is just for them. Vegetable cabbage rolls with mushrooms can be prepared in a "lazy" way.



We heat the butter in the cauldron and lay the onion into it cut into half rings. Fry until golden brown. Mushrooms cut into cubes, pour salted hot water, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, then throw it back in a colander. Mushrooms are transferred to the bowl to the onions and fry about 5 minutes. Cabbage shred, add to kazanchik, mix ingredients and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Carrots rubbed on the grater and also sent to the cauldron. Solim, add spices, greens, pour hot water - so that all the cabbage rolls were covered. Reduce the heat and stew for 10 minutes. Rice is washed and spread evenly on mushrooms with vegetables, then gently add water to make the rice covered 2 cm higher. We increase the fire and cook until the liquid is completely absorbed by the rice. Then we make the fire small, we make several holes in the rice to the bottom, close the lid with a lid and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. We remove from the fire, mix all the products and we can serve to the table. As you can see, the recipe for cabbage rolls with mushrooms can be greatly simplified, while preserving all the gustatory qualities of the dish.