COPD - what is it, how is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated, and how to improve the quality of life?

Most people consider lung cancer to be the most serious disease of the respiratory system. There is also a similarly dangerous pathology, not connected with oncology - COPD. It affects both women and men, it steadily progresses, it is difficult to treat, causes irreversible complications and often ends in premature death of a person.

COPD - what kind of disease is it?

This abbreviation stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is an independent pathology, which is characterized by the limitation of air flow in the airways. Such a disease is not treated completely, the therapy helps only to alleviate the symptoms and slightly increase the life expectancy, but this ailment is constantly progressing, and every year it becomes more difficult for a person to breathe.

COPD classification

There are 3 types of differentiation of the pathology in question. The first one determines in what clinical form chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - emphysema or bronchitis occurs. The second classification is carried out on the phase of the disease (remission and exacerbation). The third criterion for stratification is the severity of COPD:

COPD causes

The described problem is provoked by stimulation of lung tissues with various pathogenic particles, gases and toxins. It's easier to live with this disease, if you understand the essence of COPD - what it is, how it is treated. The inflammatory process begins in the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Slime is released in increased amounts and becomes more viscous. Later, the infection joins, and the inflammation spreads to the bronchi, alveoli and bronchioles, lung disease develops COPD.

The main reason (about 90% of cases) of such processes is smoking of tobacco products, especially for a long time. Other factors that cause COPD are:

COPD - symptoms

The clinical picture depends on the stage of pathology. The higher the severity, the stronger the signs of COPD. The presented disease has a specific triad of such symptoms:

COPD - severity

The progression stage of the disease is determined by spirometry, by the volume of forced expiration in 1 second (FEV1), the vital capacity of the lungs (ZHEL) and the presence of the above described clinical picture. The stages of COPD are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Easy - the function of breathing is slightly worsened, but the FEV1 and ZHEL indices are close to normal. Cough and sputum discharge are absent or very weak, successfully treated.
  2. Average - marked deterioration in the function of respiration, which is confirmed by the results of spirometry (FEV1 less than 80% of the norm, its ratio to GEL is below 70% of the proper values). Sometimes there is a cough with the release of viscous sputum and dyspnea.
  3. Severe - a significant deterioration in respiratory activity, FEV1 less than 50% of the normal rate. There is a triad of specific symptoms that are difficult to treat.
  4. Extremely severe - the expressed respiratory insufficiency progresses. All signs of pathology are observed almost constantly.

Cough with COPD

The earliest symptom of airway obstruction, but patients often do not pay attention to it. Ignoring is due to a lack of minimal knowledge of COPD - what it is, how it is treated and manifested. When smoking cough is considered an expected "side effect", so fans of tobacco products do not attach importance to it. In the early stages, this symptom occurs sporadically. As the pathology progresses, coughing becomes more frequent until daily attacks.

If the degree of the disease is mild, phlegm in COPD is produced in small amounts. It is viscous, mucous and difficult to expectorate, smokers have an unpleasant smell. On more severe stages of COPD such a symptom is intensified and poorly treated. Sputum is excreted abundantly and with every bout of coughing. In some patients, it contains pus, this indicates an infection and an exacerbation of the pathology. Outside relapse, mucus is produced in small amounts.

Dyspnoea with COPD

This feature of the disease does not refer to the early signs of obstruction. Dyspnea occurs about 10 years after the onset of cough. First, it is observed exclusively with relapses of COPD - exacerbation, especially with an attached infection, leads to a sharp deterioration in respiratory activity. In the late stages of dyspnea appears constantly, difficultly treated. Classify several degrees of this symptom depending on the frequency of occurrence:

Diagnosis of COPD

A doctor-pulmonologist can confirm the presence of the described disease. It is important to differentiate the diagnosis of COPD and bronchial asthma. These pathologies have a similar clinical picture, especially in the early stages of development. Correct diagnosis helps to correctly assess COPD - what it is, how it is treated, because of what progresses. To confirm the disease, the following laboratory, instrumental studies are used:

COPD - treatment

An important stage in the therapy of this pathology is slowing its progression and preventing relapses. Before treating COPD with medications, the patient of a pulmonologist must necessarily refuse from tobacco products, to minimize the influence of professional factors on the respiratory system. This approach will help reduce irritation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and lungs, this will have a positive effect on respiratory activity.

COPD - treatment, drugs

Conservative therapy is selected individually, according to the stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms and the frequency of exacerbations. Previously, the doctor should explain to the patient the main aspects of the fight against COPD - what it is, how it is treated, what it will have to give up. Completely eliminate obstruction is impossible, but significantly reduce the intensity of its signs and improve the quality of life is real. Used drugs in COPD:

  1. Mucolytics. These pharmacological agents contribute to the liquefaction of mucus and facilitate its removal from the bronchi, which prevents the attachment of a bacterial infection. COPD is treated with direct and indirect mucolytics. The medicines of the first mentioned group (Trypsin, Chymotrypsin) interact with sputum already released, dilute the mucus and accelerate its evacuation. The second type of mucolytics (Bromhexin, Ambroxol) reduces the intensity of pulmonary secretion. There are also combined drugs that combine both properties.
  2. Bronchodilators (bronchodilators). Such medications relax the smooth muscle of the airway walls, which relieves spasm and stops obstructive processes. These medicines include Formoterol, Atrovent, Salmeterol, Spiriva and others.
  3. Antibiotics. During exacerbations of COPD, mucus accumulates in the lungs and bronchi, which contributes to the development of bacterial infection. To prevent these complications, prescribe specific antibiotics - cephalosporins (2nd generation), penicillins, clavulanic acid preparations.
  4. Glucocorticosteroids. Acute relapses always begin with a strong inflammatory process. It is helped by hormones, mainly Prednisolone and its analogs are used.
  5. Inhibitors of proinflammatory mediators and receptors. Most glucocorticosteroids have serious side effects, which can provoke unwanted complications. To replace them, these drugs are used - Erespal, Fenspiride.

Inhalation in COPD

With relapses of obstruction, emergency delivery of anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators to the respiratory tract is urgently needed to immediately relieve the exacerbation. For this reason, COPD therapy is performed primarily in the form of inhalations. Glucocorticosteroids and the most effective bronchodilator medicines are available in the form of a spray. Such pharmacological agents may be prescribed only by a pulmonologist. Other types of inhalations, including home manipulations, are not recommended without prior consultation with a physician.

Breathing exercises with COPD

Performing special exercises is necessary for:

Gymnastics in COPD:

  1. The starting position - sitting on a chair, pressing his spine against his back. Make a short breath in the nose, exhale sharply through the compressed lips.
  2. A similar situation. Alternately raise your hands to inhale and lower them while exhaling.
  3. Free and slowly inhale. Hold the air for 1-3 seconds. Smoothly exhale.
  4. To be located on the edge of the chair, to lower hands on the sides of the trunk, slightly slouching. Slowly inhale and straighten the shoulders, exhale, returning to the starting position.

There are other options for exercise in COPD:

COPD - treatment with folk remedies

Official medicine is skeptical about this method of therapy. Taking into account all available data on COPD - what is it, how is it treated and complicated, progresses, the effectiveness of folk methods is almost zero. Some pulmonologists allow their patients to use alternative recipes, but only after a full-time consultation. It is not always advisable to use non-traditional methods, if chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worsens, treatment with folk remedies may increase irritation of the airway walls and inflammation.

Decoction for relief of symptoms

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Pour raw materials with boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil over low heat, turn off the hotplate.
  3. Insist means 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Drink a third of the received volume of medicine before each meal, 3 times a day.

Infusion for the prevention of relapses

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the herbs.
  2. Pour 2 parts of spoon with boiling water.
  3. After 40 minutes strain the medicine.
  4. Drink 100 ml of the drug 2 times a day only during remission.

Complications of COPD

The disease examined is incurable, therapy helps only to quit and alleviate its symptoms. Especially quickly there are negative consequences if a person does not know anything about COPD - what it is, how it is properly treated. Without medications pathology is rapidly progressing and causes irreversible changes in the respiratory system. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - complications:

COPD - life expectancy

The described pathology progresses steadily, therefore the long-term prognosis is unfavorable. When diagnosing COPD 3 degrees or higher, the patient rarely lives for more than 5 years, especially if there are accompanying problems with the respiratory system, a person over 40 years of age or factors that provoke a relapse are not eliminated. For the early stages of the disease, the outlook is more optimistic. With proper treatment, many pulmonologist patients are happy to meet old age, but the quality of their life is constantly deteriorating.

Prevention of COPD

The main thing that should be abandoned, so as not to develop obstructive pulmonary disease, this is smoking. You can not breathe either your own or someone else's tobacco smoke. Preventive measures additionally include informing the public about COPD - what it is, how effectively it is treated and prevented, what is fraught with the disease. Other ways to prevent: