Pulmonary embolism

I wonder if many people know that embolus is a thrombus? Embolus may be a clot of fat, and air bubble, and even a parasite, but depending on the origin of the principle of "action" it in the body does not change. What kind of condition is this - pulmonary embolism - we will try to explain.

What is pulmonary embolism?

Actually, it is a blockage of a thrombus (of absolutely any origin) of the respiratory artery. You do not need to be a doctor to understand how dangerous such a disease can be. In medicine, pulmonary embolism is considered to be the most serious and dangerous complication that can arise from the respiratory tract.

This disease is extremely dangerous, because it can cause sudden death. To panic at once it is not necessary, but also to pull with the reference to the expert too it is not recommended. It is best to call an ambulance immediately when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Forecasts for pulmonary embolism for different patients may be radically different. The development of the disease depends on many factors. An important role is played by the size of the embolus and its location. Of course, the more a thrombus, the more dangerous it is to life. But even this is not a verdict, since with the timely detection and the beginning of the treatment of the embolism it is quite possible to cope with the problem.

Symptoms of pulmonary embolism

And in order to detect the disease in time, you need to know the main ways of its manifestation, symptoms. Small thrombi do not always cause a deterioration in well-being, but in this case a person may suddenly have shortness of breath. Certainly, a feeling of lack of air can arise for a number of other reasons, so it is possible to determine whether it is pulmonary embolism or some other disease, a survey will help.

The main symptoms inherent in pulmonary embolism are as follows:

  1. The first true signs of the problem may be dizziness, fainting, convulsions.
  2. Pulmonary embolism is capable of disturbing the heart rhythm. And if there is a blockage of a large vessel, then blue skin is possible.
  3. A cough with blood can also be evidence of pulmonary embolism (a symptom of this is manifested with a pulmonary infarction).
  4. Suspicions of pulmonary artery embolism can occur when acute pain in the chest, a sharp rise in temperature, swelling of the lower extremities (the feet and legs in general).

When these signs of pulmonary embolism appear, it is best to immediately go to the hospital.

Causes of thrombi and prevention of pulmonary embolism

Clots - the main cause of the development of a dangerous condition - can appear as a result of injuries or with thrombophlebitis. Pulmonary embolism is susceptible to:

In order not to get into the hospital with pulmonary embolism and not to receive long-term medication treatment, you can take some preventive measures:

  1. First, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This and pulmonary embolism will warn, and many other diseases will help to avoid. Proper nutrition, weight control, timely treatment - all this will only benefit.
  2. You can not sit too long. At least once a hour you have to get up to stretch your legs.
  3. You need to drink enough water, especially when traveling. But coffee and alcohol are something that it would be nice to refuse.
  4. People whose bodies are prone to thrombosis should take anticoagulants regularly.

Pulmonary embolism is a dangerous problem, which can only be neutralized with timely detection.