Hypotension - symptoms

Everyone knows how normal pressure should be, with which even the vastness of the Cosmos can be conquered. Of course, a hundred and twenty-eight hundred tonometers does not intend for every man. Some of these figures are slightly understated, some are overstated, and this is quite normal. The person at the same time feels quite comfortable. But when the pressure indicators fall sharply by several dozen units - this is hypotension, the reasons for which can be the most diverse. We will share with you some secrets how to recognize and quickly neutralize seizures of hypotension.

What is arterial hypotension, where does it come from?

When a person systolic pressure is set at a mark for a long time, below one hundred units, and a diastolic pressure is below sixty, then, most likely, you have hypotension. Until now, medical circles are arguing: is it possible to consider the syndrome of hypotension a disease, because this problem does not provoke any pathological changes in the body. Whatever it was, a sharp decrease in pressure at least causes discomfort, and therefore you need to know what kind of trouble it is and how to deal with it.

Hypotension is more a woman's disease, although men sometimes also suffer from weakness and malaise caused by reduced pressure. More often than not, women who are thirty years old suffer from pressure surges. Hypotonia and its symptoms are especially frequent, in women, whose activities are closely related to mental stress.

Hypotension can be caused by various factors:

How to recognize hypotension in a timely manner?

Sometimes you can diagnose hypotension yourself even without a tonometer (especially if the problem of low blood pressure torments you regularly). People with low blood pressure get tired too quickly, are inactive, very often they are disturbed by insomnia and a violation of the daily activity cycle. Hypotension (the symptoms of this ailment) in each organism are almost the same:

  1. Suddenly, even little things began to irritate - most likely, the pressure slowly began to creep down, and we urgently need to correct the situation.
  2. An acute headache in the temporal part of the head is also a hypotension.
  3. Sudden dizziness and nausea, accompanied by "stars" in the eyes, - hypotension - sharply reduced pressure.
  4. Hypotension dramatically reduces performance, causes weakness, absent-mindedness and general weakness.

Noticing any of the above symptoms, it is best to see a doctor right away. The complex of treatment appointed by a professional will help to normalize the pressure and improve the overall health of the patient.

Hypotonic Crises

Hypotension - a problem that constantly torments the patient. That is, a person lives with reduced pressure constantly. There is one more concept - the hypotonic crisis. This is a sharp drop in pressure. Hypotonic crisis is characterized by rather unpleasant symptoms, such as, for example, a sharp increase in heart rate, severe dizziness and even fainting .

The crisis comes suddenly, just as abruptly it can retreat. The causes of hypotonic crisis may be different, but more often it is stuffiness, too high air temperature, overfatigue.

As soon as hypotension presents the first signs of its existence, immediately it is necessary to ventilate the room and allow the body to fully relax and relax. It is best to lie down and spend some time in complete peace. If there is no opportunity to lie down, hypotonia sufferers need to make hot sweet tea - after a while his condition will improve and the pressure will be normalized. Otherwise, call an ambulance.