Drinking unloading day

Unloading days are spent in order to get rid of excess weight or cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Drinking unloading day helps to achieve both the first and second goals . However, for weight loss these days will have to be done systematically.

What can you drink on a fasting day?

There are several options for drinking days of release. Depending on this, the liquid for drinking will also be selected:

  1. Drinking day on the water . Before this unloading day, it is necessary to prepare the body by reducing the amount of food consumed and its calorie content. In a day you need to drink about 2 liters of water.
  2. Drinking day on broth . This day is suitable for those who are struggling to survive unloading days. You can drink broth in any quantity and any kind: meat or vegetable, preferably without salt.
  3. Drinking day for coffee . Nutritionists disagree about whether it is possible to drink coffee on a fasting day. Some representatives of this profession distinguish unloading days for coffee in a separate type of unloading. They say that on a fasting day you can drink coffee, but without sugar and cream and not more than 2 cups a day. In the rest of the time you can drink water or green tea.
  4. Drinking day on kefir . Usually, slimming women want to know exactly how much yogurt can be drunk on a fasting day. It is better to be guided by your desires and well-being. Kefir must be low-fat or low-fat.
  5. Drinking day on freshly squeezed juice . Unsweetened fruit is suitable for this purpose. A good effect for weight loss is grapefruit.
  6. Drinking day on kissel . Kissel can be prepared from oats, berries and fruits. It is best to spend such days in the summer.
  7. Drinking day for milk . The combination of milk with tea is considered a good option for losing weight. However, tea should be high-quality and unsweetened.