Delta Exercises

Deltoid muscles are responsible for the ability to wear t-shirts with thin straps - this is, to use the language of women. And their physiological function is to rotate and raise hands. The deltas are located above the shoulder joint, and are named that way precisely because of their shape - a triangle, like the Greek letter "delta".

Very often women are afraid and avoid exercises on the deltas, as if not wanting to be "broad-shouldered." However, 1 - 2 trainings per week will not make you Schwarzenegger, but they can help to expand the wardrobe. On the rest of the week, let's rest your muscles, not only carrying out the basic exercises for the deltas, but also the complexes for the chest and back, as they also load them, albeit indirectly.


1. To begin with, you should perform cardio 10 - 15 minutes on the treadmill and a full warm-up for all muscle groups:

2. For exercises on deltoid muscles we need a bench and dumbbells. We lay down on our belly on the bench and perform the arms lifts on the exhale to the side. Elbows slightly bent, in the IP hands are closed.

3. Next, we perform the classics of the genre - the best exercise on the deltas and on the shoulders as a whole. This is a press of dumbbells while sitting. We lift hands with dumbbells above shoulder level in a bent kind, on exhalation we straighten them and we extend them upward. Do not unbend your elbows to the end at the top point, point, so as not to injure them. We perform 15 times for 4 sets with a rest of 15 seconds between the approaches.

4. Perform "Arnold bench press" sitting on the bench. We hold the dumbbells in bent hands, above the shoulders. Palms are deployed to themselves, at the top point we turn them in the opposite direction.

5. We perform dumbbell breeding in the standing position, the hands should be rounded, the little fingers should be higher than the other fingers, elbows above the brushes. In the initial position, the hands are brought together at the level of the thighs, on expiration they are bred, forming rounded hands. This is a very effective exercise on deltas, which will allow you to feel how muscles work, and at the initial stage, it is really very important.

6. The last exercise is a "broach" or pull of the neck to the chin. Take the neck and perform the first approach with free weight. Grief grabbing the outer grip. Next, we make 4 sets of 15 repetitions, adding as much weight as possible. You should just pull, and not lift the bar by inertia, and at the same time, feel how the average delta works. In the latter approach, your muscles should burn with tension.

Recommendations for effective inflation of deltas

If your goal is not just to acquire a minimal relief on your shoulders by the summer, but specific sports achievements, there are several "tricks" that you can use to enhance the effect of training.

First, you should do drop-sets. The principle is to perform first 10 repetitions, then, without resting to take a little (20 - 30%) less weight and do a quick tempo 10 more times.

Secondly, for muscle growth in one approach there should be no more than 20 repetitions. A large number of repetitions trains endurance, and for muscle building you need to increase weight in exercises.

And, thirdly, do not pursue too much weight. Concentrate on the technique of executing sets of exercises for deltas, and increase weight only by mastering the technique to perfection. This will protect you from injuries, as, however, and warm-up , which can not be neglected, because the shoulder joints are very fragile.

Do not forget about the variety - the muscles very quickly get used to even the most laborious occupations, so repeating the same thing day in and day out, you will soon stop loading your deltas.