7 exercises for an ideal waistline

A beautiful and delicate waist is the pride of every woman at any age. The following proportion is considered ideal: the waist is equal to 70% of the thigh size. This proportion decorates any figure. A beautiful waist is a sign of good health, metabolism , the right way of life and working on oneself. In order for the waist to be thin it is necessary to regularly perform certain exercises.

To warm up the muscles before training, do a little workout, somewhere 15 minutes. The best exercises for this are considered - walking on the spot, which goes into running, as well as various mahi.

The first exercise - the slopes

A very simple exercise that everyone can cope with. It is performed standing up. Put your feet on the width of your shoulders, and put your arms on your waist. Do the slopes left and right, while stretching the arm over your head and stretch. Do 15 repetitions on each side.

The second exercise - twisting the body

Lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. Legs should be raised 20 degrees from the floor. You need to reach for the knee with the opposite elbow in turn. Do 10 repetitions with each foot.

The third exercise is a fold

Sitting on the floor one leg pull out to the side, and the other bend at the knee. Stretch first to the right foot, and then to the left foot. Do 10 repetitions.

The fourth exercise - turns

Sit on the floor, legs extend forward and slightly bend. Hand over the head, close in the lock, and spread the elbows aside. Your task is to rotate the body left and right. Do 20 repetitions.

The fifth exercise - legs with legs

Lying on your right side, pull your right arm forward and place your left hand behind your head. On exhalation, raise your legs upwards, somewhere by 20 degrees and with elbow, reach for your legs. Do 15 repetitions in both directions.

The sixth exercise - twisting

Lying on the floor, legs extend forward and lift them so that the angle to the floor was about 45 degrees. Focus on the hands that need to be placed behind your back, elbows slightly bend. On inspiration, bend your knees and tilt them slightly to the right. Do 10 repetitions in each direction.

The seventh exercise - stretching

Sitting on the floor, cross your legs in front of you, like in a "lotus" pose. Hands must be connected in the lock and pulled up. Your task, not coming off the floor as much as possible to reach up, and then bend to the right side. Make 3 sets in each direction.

Do not rush, do everything calmly, watch your posture and proper breathing. This complex should be performed regularly, preferably daily. In a month you can reduce the intensity of training and practice every other day. To train it was not boring to do with your favorite rhythmic music.

Other Important Rules

Many women slimming the waist use hula-hoop, which you need to regularly twist. Moreover, in addition to physical exertion, it is necessary to eat properly. In the daily diet should necessarily be present protein, which is found in milk, legumes and meat. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

For a thin waist, it is useful to drink pomegranate juice, which contains useful acids that help reduce centimeters at the waist. To reduce the risk of fat at the waist, eat foods that contain monounsaturated fats and fiber, such as nuts, avocados, chocolate, apples and oats.

Do not forget to drink non-carbonated water, which speeds up the metabolism.

Remember only perseverance and work on yourself will help achieve the desired result and acquire a beautiful waistline.