Baked potatoes - good and bad

This dish has not only a pleasant taste, it also contains a lot of vitamins, necessary for our body. The benefits and harm of baked potatoes are discussed by many people, but to make up your own opinion, let's find out what diet specialists think.

What is useful for baked potatoes?

This dish has a lot of advantages, among which is the fact that it is prepared without the use of vegetable oil, and therefore does not contain "harmful" fats. In addition, this dish can be called a low-calorie, for 100 g it contains only 82 calories. It can be eaten by those who limit themselves in nutrition, trying to lose weight, and those who simply try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Also, the benefit of baked potatoes is that it contains a fairly large amount of potassium, a substance necessary for the metabolic processes of the human body. Well, the fact that in this dish you can also find vitamins of group B, oxalic acid and fiber make it even more unique.

Unfortunately, it can not be said that such a dish can be included in your diet to all people. For example, if you bake "old" tubers, then in their skin can develop a substance such as corned beef. If it is eaten by an "ideally healthy person", then nothing terrible will happen, but people with a gastritis or a stomach ulcer after such a meal may need a doctor's help.

Can I eat baked potatoes with diabetes?

Since this root vegetable contains a considerable amount of carbohydrates , it should not be consumed too often for those who have diabetes mellitus. Specialists allow to eat baked tubers for type 2 diabetic patients, but warn that they should limit themselves to a small portion, that is, 1-2 potatoes can be eaten 1-2 times a week.