Balanced weight loss menu

For weight loss, it is necessary that the daily menu is balanced, this way you lose weight and do not cause any harm to your body.

A few basic conditions for forming a balanced menu for the week:

  1. For weight loss and normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
  2. Choose foods with a minimum amount of fat.
  3. Be sure to have breakfast, since you will get energy for the whole day.
  4. Eliminate sweet, flour and coffee from your diet , as well as fast food, soda, sauces and other harmful foods.
  5. The minimum number of calories that must be contained in the correct balanced diet menu is 1200.
  6. Eat regularly, best of all - every 3 hours. So you will not feel hungry. It is important not how much, but how often you will eat.
  7. The weight of each serving should not exceed 400 g.
  8. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

Sample balanced diet menu

For breakfast you can choose:

  1. A piece of low-fat cheese and 2 small breadcrumbs.
  2. A glass of low-fat milk and croutons.
  3. A glass of milk with honey.
  4. Choose a second breakfast:
  5. Juice without sugar.
  6. 2 any fruit.

Examples of a possible lunch menu:

  1. A piece of low-fat cheese, a carrot salad and a small portion of macaroni from wheat of solid varieties.
  2. A small flat cake, a salad that can be filled with olive oil.
  3. Baked potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes in the oven, sprinkle them with a small amount of cheese.
  4. A small piece of not fatty meat, a serving of potatoes, a carrot and a slice of lean fish.

For dinner, you can eat:

  1. Flakes with milk.
  2. Yogurt, 2 crumbs and a few nuts.
  3. A small piece of ham, tomato, low-fat milk and cheese.

You can, based on the example considered, make up your own menu of a balanced diet for weight loss, so you will achieve the desired result. Allowed a little pampered with sweets, but not more than 70 kcal. To make it easier for you to make a menu, use the following calculations of the necessary components for each meal:

  1. The protein should be 40-100 g. This can be lean meat, for example, chicken, as well as fish, seafood and eggs.
  2. Complex carbohydrates should be 50-120 g. For example, cereals and whole wheat bread.
  3. Flections from 100 to 150 g. This can be carrots, onions, cucumbers or celery.