Garlic - healthy properties

Useful properties of garlic are known for quite a long time, most often it is used during the active spread of viral infections. It is often used in cooking to improve the taste of the prepared dishes. Many people are repelled by the unpleasant odor that leaves this vegetable behind, but this is the only drawback of garlic.

Garlic - useful properties for weight loss

To begin with, it should be said that the composition of this product includes complex carbohydrates, somewhere around 25%. More recently, studies have been conducted that have established that garlic helps to lose excess weight . This effect is provided by the allicin volatile substance. It helps to reduce appetite and strengthens the action of the chosen diet. Scientists have proven that when you consume garlic during a weight loss period, the risk of a possible weight loss is reduced to a minimum.

Useful properties of garlic for women during weight loss are as follows:

  1. Normalizes the level of sugar in the blood, the increase of which provokes a feeling of hunger and triggers the action of hormones responsible for the accumulation of fat.
  2. It improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and this, in turn, does not allow the fluid to linger, which adversely affects the figure.
  3. A useful property of garlic is also that the vegetable is struggling with "bad" cholesterol and promotes normal fat metabolism in the body.
  4. Garlic perfectly fights against the action of fungi of the genus Candida, which have a direct impact on weight gain and on the onset of diabetes.

With regular use, the vegetable activates the production of adrenaline, which is responsible for the breakdown of fat and reduces appetite. Even garlic suppresses the action of the hormone cortisol, which destroys muscle proteins and causes a desire to eat something sweet and salty, and, as you know, these foods provoke the appearance of excess weight.

Is it possible to have garlic when dieting?

Vegetable is not only allowed to eat during weight loss, but there are special techniques developed on its basis. In Croatia, one complete artist decided to fight overweight with garlic. In his menu were biscuits, which he cooked from a large amount of garlic and flour, and also drank carrot juice . He ate so for 6 months. Thanks to this diet, the artist managed to get rid of a large number of kilograms. However, nutritionists say that a diet for garlic is a dangerous enough way to lose weight, which can lead to serious problems.

Application of garlic in slimming

Nutritionists recommend using more gentle options for getting rid of excess weight. The easiest way is to put the shredded vegetable in different dishes. There are also other options, before using which you need to consult a doctor.

Method number 1



Crush the garlic and connect it to room temperature water. Drink ready to drink on an empty stomach and before going to sleep in small sips.

Method number 2



Shredded garlic with vinegar and eat every day for half an hour before meals.

Method number 3



Shred garlic with oil and add spices, for example, paprika or rosemary. Thanks to this compound, garlic will retain its useful properties for a long time. This sauce can be consumed separately or added to various dishes. You can store it for not more than a week.

Garlic with a diet is recommended to eat 2 times a day: in a raw and cooked form, for example, in a boiled or stewed. You can make soup, fritters, scrambled eggs and other various dishes based on this vegetable.